The Club is keen to build strong relationships with Companies who can benefit our members, secure discounts and benefits for them, and in return promote you.
The RTOC Committee members and their roles within the club:
Treasurer - Ian S
The Treasurer deals with the financial aspects of the club, except for subscriptions which will mainly be recorded and banked by the Membership secretary. They will maintain a record of the accounts that the members can see on the club website.
Membership Secretary - Ian S
The Membership secretary is responsible for mailing membership packs to new members and recording and banking any subscriptions that are not automatic. They buy stationary, stamps, envelopes, ink cartridges and prints the mailings. They will also hold stock of the members pack apparel.
Shop Manager - Bigfoot
The Shop manager will be responsible for the distribution of all shop goods, banking any payments not made through Paypal ( They keep the treasurer updated with shop business and maintain records of stock, replenishing it when needed. The sales of RTOC merchandise at major events when possible is encouraged. Design of shop goods is in the control of the shop manager, after the approval of the committee.
Senior Area Rep -
The Senior Area Rep is responsible for supervising the Area Reps and maintaining the on-line area reps database. They encourage Area reps to meet their target of three events per year and keep a record to see if they are meeting those requirements. They also contact all Area Reps Bi-monthly, offer advice, and help if required.
Events - Slammed 66
The Club Events Manager is responsible for organising club representation at shows and events. This includes contacting venues, reporting information to the committee and club, booking and allocation of tickets based on member interest, promoting the event and care of the club displays and marquee. They are the point of contact for any member at or travelling to a club event. They will arrange club events such as 1/4 mile and rolling road days, assist with trackday and National Day organisation and work with Area Reps to promote local meets and events.
Events - R5MJH
The Club Events Manager is responsible for organising club representation at shows and events. This includes contacting venues, reporting information to the committee and club, booking and allocation of tickets based on member interest, promoting the event and care of the club displays and marquee. They are the point of contact for any member at or travelling to a club event. They will arrange club events such as 1/4 mile and rolling road days, assist with trackday and National Day organisation and work with Area Reps to promote local meets and events.
Committee member - Alex
They may deal with all aspects of website maintenance including managing files, classifieds, events, links and polls. Removing obsolete or wrongly classified threads and file editing /deleting. Editing, approving and uploading articles.
Committee member - Ashy
They may deal with all aspects of website maintenance including managing files, classifieds, events, links and polls. Removing obsolete or wrongly classified threads and file editing /deleting. Editing, approving and uploading articles.
Committee member - James_Surridge G1 5 GTT
They may deal with all aspects of website maintenance including managing files, classifieds, events, links and polls. Removing obsolete or wrongly classified threads and file editing /deleting. Editing, approving and uploading articles.
Committee member/Moderator - Matt Cole
They may deal with all aspects of website maintenance including managing files, classifieds, events, links and polls. Removing obsolete or wrongly classified threads and file editing /deleting. Editing, approving and uploading articles.
Moderator - Red October
They may deal with all aspects of website maintenance including managing files, classifieds, events, links and polls. Removing obsolete or wrongly classified threads and file editing /deleting. Editing, approving and uploading articles.
Website co-ordinator - Ian S
Administrates and oversees the general running of the web servers, mail server / service and domain names. Liaises with the Web, mail and domain hosting companies, programmers and technical assistants. Ensures all of it remains paid for as appropriate.
Website developer - R5MJH
Installs, edits, maintains the website(s), functions, features and various aspects. Liaises with Website co-ordinator, programmers, etc.
Club Member Rules If any of our Club Member Rules are not followed, a committee member will issue you with an infraction.
An Introduction to User Infractions The User Infraction system is designed to automate the management of misbehaving users.
Specific Infractions carry a point total that is awarded to users for inappropriate conduct. When a user reaches pre-determined point levels, the user is given an automatic ban for �x� amount of time depending on the severity of the infraction. An example of this would be to ban a user for one week for receiving their third infraction and then banning them permanently for receiving their sixth infraction
Each infraction level has an expiration time. When the infraction expires, the associated points are removed from the user's point total and the user's infraction groups are recalculated.
Infraction levels can at the moderators discretion be given as warnings, without awarding any infraction points. This will not add anything to your total infraction points. The warnings will serve as a reminder to members of the forum�s rules and encourage you to follow them.
Moderators have the ability to give an infraction and/or a warning. Moderators will send a message to the user that details why the infraction is being given. This message will be sent as a Private Message. At the same time, a new thread for discussion of the infraction will be automatically created in the committee general forum.
This is the Renault Turbo Owners Club infraction system points and the reason for giving the points:
1 Month
Inappropriate Language
1 Month
Advertising in the main forum
1 Month
Insulting other members
3 Month
Pornographic material posted or linked to
3 Month
Classifieds Abuse
6 Month
Disrespect towards the site staff
6 Month
Aggression or violence to members
6 Month
Racist/Sexist/Prejudiced remarks or comments
12 Month
This is what will happen if your points build up:
Total Points
Ban Period
3 Days
5 Days
2 Weeks
1 Month
General Guidelines a) Before starting a new thread for help/assistance on the site we recommend you do the following: Always read the forum stickies and articles section before posting. These places are full of information that has previously been covered. Search the boards to see if your question has already been answered ( it probably has) If you find something similar then �add to the post that best matches your problem� If you do not find what you are looking for, start a new thread but make sure you add it to the relevant forum. For example do not put general chit chat in the events page or questions related to the Renault 5 GT Turbo in the Renault 5 Turbo/ Turbo 2 forum. When starting a thread, make sure the subject contains specific information to what you want to know. Most people will skip over subjects that say "Help me please" or "Please read this!!!!!" If you want help, you need to catch their eye with a specific statement, like "What turbo?. I am confused between a T2 and a T25" b) Do not "bump" your posts. For the uninitiated, a "bump" is a simple post that says "bump" in the subject or body, and doesn't contribute any additional value to the thread. You need to be patient as there might not be someone on the site that knows the answer to your question at that time. c) Please do not try and sell items on the boards. That�s what the Classifieds section is for. d) Please do not post wanted notices on the boards. That�s what the Classifieds section is for. e) Please do not add a "signature" to your post. Your member profile is the appropriate area for telling everyone about your website/company/witty remarks. f) It�s okay to post a message saying " seen at