Bryton looks good mate, well done Steve!
If we do go for that will make a change from Mallory which for me i am getting slightly bored of now.
I think having little more space will be bonus, for me Mallory parking does get little cramped. I know i wne ton about it last year but with more space maybe we could arrange the parking little better, tracks cars one side and then show cars the other. The show and shine aspect of Nat Day for has always been a let down for me, i'm personally not into it but it nice to actually have a wander round and have alook at the gleaming examples of Renault out there is quite interesting but at Mallory we don't tend to have areas set asside for it or even cordened off.
I know some people say its hard to arrange parking but sod it if you want someone to arrange it i'll do it
With the barn, is there plenty of lights in there or does it not have any? Just thinking of different uses that could be used for it, club shop? Display area for few various Renaults? Or use for night time antics!
Would be great to get some of the foreign clubs over too since we're planning to join them on there Nat Day too.
As its 10th Nat Day i say lets push boat out abit and make it little different