weekend tickets are now finished
sunday tickets still available if ya interested in just the retro show itself![]()
6 Sunday tickets left.
Passes have arrived so I'll be sending those out in the next few days.
All the tickets and their passes are now posted.
Still six Sunday tickets left.
Thanks Ian.![]()
Looking like i'll be there for the Saturday only this year, is anyone driving up on Saturday morning from London/Surrey/South area?
I think a few people are.
R5MJH, James5.
Nice one, I can meet you at the M25 Cobham services if you are coming that way? Rough time?
If you're leaving Brighton at 8:30 then about 9:30 ?
mike wants to leave early jeff can you be at cobham by 7.45 ish ?
I was thinking of meeting you guys. But not at 7.45. I'll still be in bed lol.
i still haven't received my stand pass.has anyone else got there's.
ill get to the pod on Saturday at 08:00 but i don't think anyone will wont to follow me as im towing a caravan lol
Does everyone pitch up in a certain place?
I should be there late mid/late morning Saturday, and like to get the tent sorted, so I can have a few beers and not have to worry about setting the tent up in the dark.![]()
normally everyone together 1 of committee will try and organise but you should recognise all the 5s lol![]()
times of points for saturday to pod
meet at pease pottage services 7.00 for james5
meet at a217 surrey for gaz 7.30 for gaz
stop at toddington nth services 8.35
leave leave 8.50
be at pod 9.30 ish
No chance me being up that early! I'll meet you all at Pod mid morning 👍🏻
just got pod stand position and its huge so we need to fill it lol
we are 8 by the way you will be able to upload pics from iphones i just fount the problem lol ill update settings now so all will be able to upload png from iphones ill change jpg spec too
Financial report for Pod day 2017:
Who do I need to blow on Sunday morning to get a stand pass ?
ok well this maybe a long post
where do i start? had a absolutely awesome weekend and had the most beautiful weather, massive turnout on sunday for retro day itself the stand position what id arranged was full, A massive thanks to Matt Cole, James Surridge, Dale and James5 too for all helping in some way or form, also ian s for the funds to subsidise the event
helping me to get the weekend perfect which it was..
also thx to all the RTOC members and staff for being so hospitable and friendly in everyway and giving me and others input and comments for future events etc
also thx to all friends rob,aud,happy,ray,ash,oz,markey mark, car.crash, dangerous dave, gaz dan mike, well you all know who you are
the weekend started well with a RWYB on saturday gazebos all setup and a noticable area on the grass for camping easily seen by the banners and flags, lots of cars here but also on the stand ready for sundays event
rob popped in some quick times but temps were really high on the track so he unforturnately couldnt match his PB on either days, even with the encouragement of his race manager (Audrey)should of had a better 60ft rob
a massive mix of cars on both days really great show as always, as i say we cant do it without everyone so a massive thanks to staff and members for such a great weekend
i ran the meg and got a 15 lol first time of even trying pod. mike got me a secret fathers day pressie namely the photo of me on the line by pod
btw matty sir your welding is 5* i aim to put these in the shop hopefully if they pass the test of time in the next few months, on recommendations already that the pipes are a better class than a certain others, so this would be a great credit and a massive plus to the club if people dont mind paying extra for a great quality product, obviously we will need to see in the very near future.
big thanks again for a lovely meal with rob, audrey and happy, me and my other half(mikes mum)totally enjoyed it well as said maybe ill start a donate button to pay for the ferry in september lol so you can make another go at pod
anywayz ill upload my BIG vid of every thing i taped soon, anyone is welcome to leave there comments and photos of the weekend if they wish, ill lock the thread once all is sorted
regards and thanks mick,mike,t,liam
I've not been to a rtoc event in many years and I thoroughly enjoyed it yesterday. The stand looks awesome and extremely well setup, dare I say it's the tidiest one I've ever seen.
The cars on show were all top class and you could see how much time and effort members had put into them.
Shame a Clio was plonked on the end but there's always one I guess.
I'd love to camp next year and see if the evenings are still as mad as they used to be. Lots of new faces I've never seen but everyone was friendly and keen to chat.
Really pleased I came along as it's been over 5 years since I kicked the gtt out my life but I'm still a Renault fan and see many old members even if they didn't manage to make this event themselves.
Well done to mick and anyone one else who put that together.
Also lovely to see all my old pals still as enthusiastic about these cars as they were many years ago.
Have to say the pod weekend was fantastic, big well-done to James surridge and Matt Cole for organising the rtoc stand on the Sunday as a great setup didn't look like a car park this year top work, the flags and banners looked great well done for sorting all that Mick and for the venue.
Was good to see you Marc, sorry i couldn't stay for the full day on the Sunday we will have to catch up again soon Marc.
Was great to see everyone, now get next year booked in :-)
Well what can I say, another fantastic successful RTOC national day. The cars this year where quality and we had 40 odd 5gt's when the stand was full!
I managed the full return trip in one piece. Water temp a little too high so need that to sort. But all in all, she did me proud! 😙
Is it right to say it was probably too hot? 🤐 never been to an event where 3rd degree burns weren't from leaning into a hot engine bay!!
Visitor's to the show where nothing but complimentary about the cars and the club and where very keen to join in on future events. In fact one couple said we had the best club stand of the show!😳
Many thanks to all those that came and supported, spoke, helped, bought parts from the shop, gave beers and just generally made the event one of the best yet!
Hope every one has got home (or nearly ) safely.
Until the next one.........😉20170618_140041.jpg20170618_100016.jpg20170618_091935.jpg20170618_113258.jpg20170618_114017.jpg
The ND was a quality turnout. The cars we had on show were of a great standard and it made me gutted that mine didn't make it. As mentioned earlier- the set up was great- I wasn't a fan the other year when my car did look like it was in a car park. This time they were all on show, easily accessible and I spent a decent amount of time looking around. A top job and well done to all those involved.
My only slight criticism is not knowing who is who. I have been here years and I still don't recognise some of you guys! Or maybe I am just anti social and need to jump in more lol.
Am looking forward to next years ND now! Will do my best to get my 5 there.
I had a bit of a mission trying to sort a few last minute things on the car Saturday morning and got it all cleaned and left for pod late morning, got 1 minute up the road and it started miss firing. Drove back home and pulled the plugs out to find one of them the terminal had snapped off inside the body of the plug. By the time I found some new ones locally and got home it was to late to get them fitted and then drive up there. Gutted to miss out, but glad it was a good one for everyone, roll on next year!
VERY chuffed with the whole weekend. Great turn out and stand and all members seemed happy. Right...whens the next one![]()
I can only echo the above really.
Fantastic organisation by all involved. The stand was fantastic and the best organised I've ever seen it. The RTOC camping area was second to none also.
What a brilliant, chilled out weekend.
My first RTOC show in 15years, and it was a great weekend!
I might be biased but I think we had the best stand there, certainly most most of any one car. I was amazed at how tidy all the cars were, glad I had my resprayed now.
Thanks to everyone that put the effort in to organise this, it really was a good weekend. Now I know what to expect, I will come armed with some BBQ food, and beers (not in glass bottles) next time! I owe most people a few beers after keeping me hydrated throught Saturday.
Looking forward to the next meet now.
official pod video already lol from box lane
uploading my vid now to rtoc youtube channel ill link once done![]()
its here lol
like if you wish or comment
Nice one Mick. Some decent camera skills!![]()