hi all and welcome, this is the new site im still working on many features but its good to use now
remember to like this post as ive put many months into this ill come back in abit to let you know new features
hi all and welcome, this is the new site im still working on many features but its good to use now
remember to like this post as ive put many months into this ill come back in abit to let you know new features
Whoop whoop.
Well done mick
This is will take some getting used to
How do I like it?![]()
thanks like and dislike functions at bottom![]()
save this link rtoc.org/boards/forum.php
ill add fb link after its finished the search update
Looks good 😎👍🏻
Oooooooh it's all new and modern, how will I cope?!
I think it's fair to say we all owe a huge thank you to Mick and the rest of the team who have worked tirelessly on this over the past 12 months or so - well done! I've only just logged on so have yet to explore the site but it's looking good so far and theres more to come![]()
try now ross
use chrome as minor prob with icons
the smile is thanks, the red thumb is dislike, green thumb is like
far left is a add blog
i still need to do loads of permissions on stuff but it should be mainly working for you all
shop working too but need to add mod still![]()
ok it displays totally different on the iphone etc with loads of the full site missing
ive spoken to coder waiting a reply
Well done to all concerned, you've done a nice job on the revamp![]()
Well done looks great mick. All modern will take some getting used to but defo looks much fresher than the old site now.![]()
Awesome Mick. Loads to discover. Keep at it with the other features. As long as the forums work then folk can communicate and respond with any problems they're experiencing
The site seems to work well on my Android phone. Anyone with an iphone deserves whatever they get![]()
Very well done Michael!It's certainly striking on first look, very clear and easy to use.
Now how do you upload pics?![]()
Works ok on android.![]()
all problems are on iphone if there no solution ts back to 3.7 and all posts will be lost from now![]()
Looks good, well done 👍 Good to see more members online as well.
On iPad now and it's spot on.![]()
Try moving the mouse pointer over the avatars. They zoom bigger. No higher in pixels per inch, but this is the best would could go to within the limits of vB 4, for now anyway.
And there is something nice going on with photos in posts. Click on one and it opens in the page, not new tab, then click on the right or left half and it show the next or previous picture. To exit the slide show, click outside it on the post behind it.
In case anyone has not noticed, there is a style chooser at bottom left that allows to chose a mobile template.
I'm logged in on an I phone 5s and can see the like button etc.
Yeah, it's slimmed down both for less data sent and so it's easy to see and use where a desktop template maybe too crowded.
And which browser? Mobile or desktop template?
Now on mobile version on I phone. All spot on although there are no like/dislike functions. Maybe thats normal?
None on this Android in mobile but yes in desktop template.
well done guys. just having a look around. very strange, in a good way![]()
As said the club really appreciate the effort you have put into this site. No real issue with like/dislike if not available through iPhone but do have an issue with menu up at top where new posts and private messages are covering up shop and tech apps buttons
Is dialogys working for everyone else? Doesn't seem to be possible to do searches.
Great work Mick and the rest of the team, RTOC is moving forward at 2 bar of boost again! Site works fine on Android and desktop yet I haven't had a full mooch around.
no sure if all the problems can be fixed, ive now got no time at all, this took 10 hours solid yesterday to do and obviously everyone knows the amount of time before ive done
im also away 11/25 april, sofas from dfs coming today, mikes car to do before i go and endless other things
my things ive noticed, not compatible on full view with iphone, ie incompatible in places and other minor stuff
personally id change back now and loose the has 10 hours of posts i could do this in 3 hours today and then go back to testing in may when i get home, otherwise your stuck with what you got till i can get the coder to try and fix which he may not be able to,
i need a answer quick as once theres to many posts the more will be lost as they cant be moved back to 3.7
Mic I tested on an iPhone 5s last night using safari and it was spot on. Not sure what the issue is. Yes there are some issues with text spacings in general which I'm sure can be worked through over the next few weeks.![]()
lots of the external pages scoff created (links)now don't work as there written in a different php
this can be fixed but not sure on other stuff
even the links on external pages don't work which means people cant register atm I could setup something on the home page hopefully for now but its up to people what to do but I need to know asap if we are swapping back to old vb
Registering is the only biggie I can see so far. If this can be fixed within a week then don't roll-back to 3.7.
Mick, create a central bug list at your end and prioritise it in terms of importance so it's not swimming around in your mindThis upgrade was always going to be buggy and will probably take a couple of months to resolve and settle so don't let that bother you or stop you doing the non-RTOC things you need to do in the meantime.
Edit: there's no tab for articles in the top menu like there used to be. Is that intentional? one for the list?
Using desktop PC and Chrome I just clicked on homepage Join and it did go to the registration page. One spammer has registered successfully maybe 10 times since last evening.
Yes, Mick was trying to shorten the populated area of the bar a bit so it doesn't have the problem Dale pointed to with it overlapping. As it's doing that anyway I could turn them on and some can see if it gets worse? On Android it doesn't shorten and overlap.
The Live window is a pop-up in Chrome, but a new tab in Firefox. Used to be a pop-up in Firefox.
Top menu: Ok cool. If you add back in, 'files' could also go back on. If you keep these things out - no probs.
New bug: I can't add files to the site. The upload images button takes you to this page: https://www.rtoc.org/boards/activity.php
my net keeps going off this but is because of code differences in php trev nothing else all scoffs external pages need modding again
files should be switched off now for the moment
ive had a email from coder hes busy busy but can start tom, this will be done on dev3 my test site and then moved to here once tested,
bear in mind im away for 2 weeks soon but ill try and get extermal stuff done before not sure on rest
as I say if you want to switch back to 3.7 I can do later today when I get time
Here's another one.
The live page doesn't show the quoted box.
And this time in Chrome, it opened in a new tab instead of a pop-up.
Stop all thoughts of going backward! If there are problems to resolve, then I'm
pretty sure most can be fixed. The new site looks and functions well, so no more
talk of regression.
If there are some PHP issues, I _may_ be able to help. I run a big web site in it
and also run a phpBB Forum on it - only a tiny one by comparison, but it's still
the same language.
The text-spacing issues can/should be fixed by one command in the body tag
of the main CSS file, rather than trying to fix a myriad other tags in several
specialised CSS files. I use this...
The operative bit is 100%/1.25 - that sets a ratio that any browser can work with.PHP Code:
body { background: #BCF2C9 url(../image/hband7.jpg) fixed; color: #007; font: 100%/1.25 Verdana,Arial,Helvetica, etc...
Two suggestions for your future list:
- The dimensions of our avatars needs to be amended upward from
the present 80 x 80 pixels - that way, when they get enlarged they don't go blurry.
I'd suggest that we go to a 6 by 4 ratio, so 120px by 80px or 150px by 100px.
This makes creating avatars from bigger pictures much easier for peeps to do.- Is there a difficulty with increasing the number of {video] tags we can have
in one post? Currently, the limit is 1, but I have a series of them (7 out of 9) outlining
my entire rebuild experience which I'd like to place into post 1 of my thread.
Currently, I have two articles waiting to go into the Detailing Reference section.
I'll not upload them until my permissions are sorted. You probably have more
than enough on your plate.
If there's any way I can help...
Last edited by Lowiepete; 31-03-2016 at 16:07.