Hello Folks,
First 2018 Meet Invitation
The first of the 2018 Lowiepete Detailing Days is planned for Saturday 28th April.
The meeting venue is: The Fighting Cocks PH in Lowestoft, NR33 0NA
The meeting time is 09:30 for prompt 10:00hrs departure to a local industrial unit.
What this means is that the meet is no longer weather dependent and I can increase
the attendees limit from 10 to at least 15. If there are enough experienced detailers
to support it, that limit could be extended to 20. Please indicate this willingness as
you register. We'll be providing hot drinks, but you will need to bring your own packed
lunch. We'll not be retiring to the local pub as hitherto.
The invitation to this meet is also to members of other Forums, so preference
will be given to those who register first, should the limits be reached. There
will be no machine work involved as that will happen on another day. This means
that we can have more time spent discussing paint protection, particularly as
some of the modern technology potions do create some confusion.
A Suitable Q Car?
There is a possibility of a need for a Q work car, that is one with a suitably neglected
paint surface that we can bring back. Please drop me a PM with suggestions for
suitable cars. A decision will be made nearer the time though the owner will need to
submit their steed entirely at their own risk. A reveal will need to be made on
site at the end of the meet.
As ever I will be doing my best to secure some goodies so that no-one goes
home empty-handed. I'll update this post with details as they become firm.
Meet cancelled
For reasons beyond my control, the meet is cancelled
My apologies,