To keep things a bit clear i thought i'd open a new thread for report of the FCS/ND weekend.
Taking everything together it was an awesome weekend full of beer, banter, laughter and snorring Andy camping with you guys was the best decision we've ever made!
Waking up at 4AM, going to bed at 2AM, lying next to snorring Andy was a bit of a bad idea though but hell, it's only for one weekend anyway....
Show was lovely too although the organisation was really bad, luckily enough being with you lads more than compensated that so we had a lovely day. The weather was a bit bad in the beginning but at noon the sky started to clear and in came the sun
After looking around a bit and talking to people i decided to buy a passengers wristband and Evil Jesus, Pigsnake and Good Jesus took me for some laps around the track. Evil Jesus's car surprised me with the power and smoothness the engine produced, Pigsnakes cup 5 made me sweat out of all my pores and took me around the corners like mad, shame his passenger side front brake was sticking! Then to finish it all Good Jesus took me for some laps around the track, my god does that car stick to the road!!!!
During the day the JK and me got to talk to the PFC photographer who told us he wanted to do a shoot with our cars the day after At the end of the day we discovered there was a nice building with great view, free coffee and snacks for the VIP's.
After having a lovely day we headed of to the camping site to drink some bears and eventually get the hog roast which was included in the VIP ticket too, to keep it short: the hog roast sucked! deffinately not worth the 15 pounds imo!
After having a very nice evening with a few beers, laughter, banter and fun again everyone headed of to bed pretty early because of the next day leaving etc. (which was a shame as it was a great evening!). The next morning the most of the English lads left pretty early because of the long drive home.
That day Mick, Mike and his girl arrived at the camping site a bit let down as they thought Sunday was going to be a show day too. After having breakfast and packing stuff JK and me headed of to the PFC stand. We had a great photoshoot with a great guy! he was realy nice and interested and didn't cut one second to make a successfull photoshoot. (which will probably be covered in the coming or next PFC magazine).
After that we had the parade lap which was boring to say the least, but hell, i've been on track anyway Around 3PM we headed of to Romil's place, once we got there he showed us around and we sat in the garden just chilling. Had a little diner which was great and after chatting some headed of to bed around 11:30PM to get out of bed at 7AM and head to Dover.
I'm going to spare you the journey back but i was pretty surprised the 9 returned 32MPG, JK's Twingo 41MPG (1.2 TCE ftw) and Evil Jesus's 5 only did 22,5MPG
I want to thank everyone for the great weekend! It was nice getting to know you guys and seeing a few other again we've met at Sangliers last year. Special thanks goes out to Romil for having us sleep over Sunday night!
I was pretty dissapointed by the organisation of FCS, showers only in one place, badly informed personal, grumpy camp site manager, bad hog roast, no clue what the VIP exactly included (didn't get the VIP pack), etc. etc.
Point of critisism for the RTOC: Could've placed the banner somewhere to let people know where we were camping, better inform the people where the stand was as some were searching everywhere, no head of to the next service station without letting us know What exactly did RTOC do regarding ND? As it looked more like a bunch of members from RTOC just visitted FCS instead of organising anything themselves? (not that it matters but then why attach the name ND to it?).
Speaking for our group we would love to come again next year! Although i prefer to go to Retro show next year if the date will be in the beginning of July again, as it has been previous years (school exams at the end of June )
Yours truly,
(Brown sauce) Tutuur
From left to right:
Jasper (Evil Jesus), Arthur (Tutuur), Jan and Jan-Kees (JK)