Dont quote me on this (You will as Its on the boards haha), but I think we did make a loss, how much I dont honestly know, I am not sure if Chris Miller has let Ian S know exactly how much we took in or even if the money has been put in our accounts - Ian S will know that.
Chris Miller posted this...
7 were sold through the shop @ £60 each
2 we sold in person by Clee @ £60 each
4 entry tickets were sold on the day for £10 each
The rest (31) was sold on the day by Glen and his good lady
I am counting the money now and will pay it in this week.
So a total loss of around £680 Much better than any other year of about £2500.
Ok so not a huge loss... BUT we only sold 9 tickets to RTOC members... 9 out for 40 tickets we brought....