Hi all, I sold a car quite a while ago and sent off the v5. A few months later I received a letter saying my tax was due, I contacted the dvla by letter to say I was no longer the registered keeper and wasn’t my issue. I then received a fine that I responded to with a letter stating that I had contacted them before in letter and with the original v5. I have had a response that has offered me a discounted fine, though out of principal of them not dealing with the issue in the first place don’t want to pay.
Am I correct in saying that I’m only required to post the v5 to the dvla and by doing so my statutory requirements are fulfilled? Chasing them up for not receiving an acknowledgement letter is not the law and I don’t have to do it?
I dont have proof of postage for the v5 or the first letter after the tax note but do have one for my last letter. Do they have to prove i didn't post it?