The one thing that has really buged me since iv been back on RTOC is the poor atempt of for sale/wanted threads it seems that every other one will be "Make me an offer" or "Wanted spoiler" and as a result you get people arguing over what somting is worth or how valuble/rare it is or isnt which just clogs up somwans attemt to sell there stuff.
What i prerpose is a template which we used to use on a Civic forum i used to be on hers a copy and paste:
1) The For Sale advert should adhere to the set template in each section.
2) The item(s) for sale must be in your possession. Selling on behalf of a friend or relative is strictly prohibited.
3) No pictures will render an advert null and void. And, as such, will result in the thread being removed.
4) No thread crapping.
5) No excessive bumping. Any threads deemed to have been bumped inappropriately will result in them being deleted.
6) Feedback ought to be left and a PM sent to a Moderator to have the thread moved to the 'Sold Items' section.
7) You MUST state a price, any items listed without one will be removed.
Parts For Sale Template - You are required to use this for every advert and MUST include a price. OR, offers can be made via PM to the seller if need be.
Copy, paste and fill in - Simples!
Item for sale:
If all the instructions wernt followed then there would be a PM to the auther telling them to ammend it or it will be deleted. this seems a fair way to do it to me as every one will know what is for sale and howmuch they want for it.
Any thoughts?