Ripped afew members off steer clear of this thief!!!
Ripped afew members off steer clear of this thief!!!
I had some spare carbs off him and everything was ok and I payed as a gift
I paid via PayPal and he asked for gift payment but as it's come straight out off my bank account meaning no need on fees so tick payment by business not gifts
I'll wait for one more week then bring it up with Barry/PayPal for refund back money owed
Hi paul is he a user on here? Will see if there is anything we can do to help cheers jp
New poster! (less than 10 posts)
Brought head lights now in the bin was a shame
I am still waiting for this o.e gtt front grille I bought off him nearly a month ago and despite his claim that he post it 1st class as soon after I paid via Paypal and now refusing to refund me £70.00
What are my chance on refund? Will Paypal help me out even thought it's not from eBay but from Renault 5 GT Turbo's Facebook that he was selling r5gtt parts.
yeah they will. you only have 40 days or so to make a claim so get on it!
then you must of paying it as a gift or friends and family
Never gift to anyone you don't know. If you don't know them, don't trust them.
If they aren't friends or family then why gift? You leave yourself wide open to being fisted and there is sweet FA you or PayPal can do about it.
I feel for you chap, but take it on the chin that you've had your fingers burnt :/
I hope you get your parts or money back. Good luck.
Pm on way for you Sean
I got shut down for calling this bloke a T**t on facebook. It's great to see the same bloke being mentioned on here for the exact same reasons.
Is it safe to say that I was right?
To be fair if I can find the thread on FB you'll see I left the post open as a warning to other memebers of the situation.
At that point he was in dialogue with the buyers albeit not successfully at that point, I had a pop at people who hadnt got anything to do with the post who were slating him without any facts about the person or transaction.
Also in the page I also said and have numerous times the FB page regarding trading is flawed in the fact you have no buyer protection unless you use ebay or paypal correctly. We're just a couple of lads who set a Facebook group up for a car we like what members do on there is their own responsibility not ours. We dont have time to vet joe publics who are selling xyz its up to you the buyer to acertain the legitimacy of the seller and the item.
We have banned known traders and scammers recently but only on information recived by members, we are not judge , jury and eexecutioner when it comes to whether or not smeone is a con man.
I am truly sorry you've been ripped off and I fully understand your anger as someone myself who has fell foul of exactly the same thing, dont mean to sound condescending but we live and learn lads.
The Facebook Renault 5 GT Turbo Owners page has nothing to do with RTOC and is literally just a simple page with the potential to be maliciously attacked by cock heads preying on enthusiasts community spirit.
If you've got his details go pay him a visit, im sure he'll be glad to sort you out face to face![]()
Yes Simon you were right. I still stand by what I said mate regarding the conversation we had, I agree In part with your opinion but its awfully hard sometimes being the Admin and deciding fates. If id have deleted him there and then he maybe would have disappeared, if screen shots had been taken of his dialogue the police would take a claim of theft more seriously.
No hard feelings again I respected your thoughts.
did anybody pay non gift.. if you did then you can get the guys address, often in these situations its well worth going the extra mile. Ive been ripped off in the past and if you sit down, reaserach, ask mutual friends, ask his friends you can usually get plenty of ammo on people..
I do not mean , " go round kick his teeth in ", what i do mean however is to potentially let him know you have is address..
A most effective way is.. " hi buddy, still no item, can i have a refund.. if you like i dont mind dropping by ***** insert his address***** to grab my cash if thats easier for you..![]()
This worked for me in the unlucky alf saga. Me and Mart knew something wasnt right so we drove around 2 hours to make a visit and once there we just asked for the money back. Which he returned to us with no problemsit can worry people enough to pay you back with no hassle
like djinuk said no threats needed sometimes just the thought of what might happen panics them into paying and rightly so.
The o.e GTT front grille finally arrived this morning all well wrapped but once I opened the wrapping, the grille was hanging off almost in two pieces, the seller didn't mentioned that, just small cracks on each end of grille and top half of bolt holes that's all!
IMO, it's not worth the £70 inc p&p I paid for but at least i was not ripped off, so I'll have to fork out extra cost to get it plastic weld 😡
Last edited by sean5gtt; 27-03-2014 at 13:04. Reason: Missing photo
I bought some strut tops and top hats off him, the top hats had been welded, and the stut tops had been really badly drill out! Not worth putting on the Car! Guttered
Where's he from?
What is it with sweaty socks on here selling parts? He's probably another alias or friend of "he who must not be named" lol
He is at it again! He moved over to the pug web sites! And ripping members off on there now!
He is buying old cars and pretending that he is an enthusiast, then after a few weeks desides to break the car, and starts ****ing people over ! He needs a proper slap this ****
Still at it, some Raider seats arrived as Cups!!!!!!!!!
Facebook, Reno 5 gt turbo group.