One of my pet hates is crap wiring which other people think is ok, like crimping 2 wires together, or even worse stripping wires and twisting them around then taping up (which I've seen too many alarms done like this by "reputable" people)

So I'm going to show you how it
should be done.
what you need
Auto wire stripper
Soldering iron
Heat shrink tubing
The first joint is a butt joint.
Join 2 wire ends together say when you extend a cable or are repairing a broken wire
it helps if you fan the strands out lay them on top of each other and then twist them together making sure there are no loose strands
First off strip about 1.5 cm from both ends,
now slide on your heat shrink (I've forgotten this so many times and only copped it when the soldering is complete.
It helps if you fan the strands out lay them on top of each other and then twist them together making sure there are no loose strands.
Now the fun bit fire up your soldering iron and let it get up to temp, (
I find it easier to let the wires rest on the soldering iron and hold the iron in one hand and the solder in the other )
When the iron is up to temp heat up the bare wires once they're hot enough apply the solder and let it flow through the wires.
Now to heat wrap it! now i messed up and didn't move the tubing far enough away while i was soldering

Not to worry plenty more of where that came from
So I put another bit on and wave the flame of the lighter around it you don't need to touch it with the flame
One safe join that is stronger than the cable it self!!!
Now to "tap" a wire that you cant/don't want to cut
Grab you wire stripper and strip about 1 cm in the middle of the wire your tapping and put a hole in the middle of the strands and 3-4 cm from the wire your putting on
Now feed the wire through the hole you made and tightly wrap it around your "source" wire
Now solder that up and wrap it if you can get the heatwrap onto it or make sure no loose strands are poking out and go over it with electrical tape