Was another great ND weekend. Good to meet up with everyone again, be it the old farts or new rtoc'ers. Big

to Jasper and Romain, Bruno, Fred, Pascal, Xenon & the other French guys for making the trip over
Hope you got the downpipe sorted on the 11t. Sorry that the mobile welder idea went south (thanks Grier...

The weather was stonking alright! 31c I heard being bandied around
Gutted for Eug'/Andy & his Raider, but 5 year old fuel & the 'Heath Robinson' coolant cct setup probably didn't help matters
Thanks to Billy, Tom, Ricardo and Sheryl for the drive of their motors

All equally fantastic cars, and easy to see/feel how the evolution of RenaultSport chassis/handling development has progressed since the GTT era.
Shame there wasn't an AGM, but thanks to the Steve, Alex (nice to meet you at last mate!

) & the rest of the Committee for organising ND 2013

After the initial worries regarding (lack of) turn-out, I think those fears were put to bed by Friday evening. The track didn't look mega busy, granted, but going on the overall number of cars/people present, I reckon we had more through the gate this year than last.
Maybe the format/venue doesn't need changing (yet) after all
Already looking forward to next year: Sangliers, National Day, and a definite 'No bling at the Ring' return visit.
Hope to see rtoc'ers galore at all of them