And we're only giving our sodding opinions
It's your choice at the end of the day. I personally prefer re-circulating D/V's as they improve throttle response over atmospheric 'whoosher valves' and its nice and quiet.
Yep! like it seriously increases performance! and that its not a real turbo with one.
I've got a whoosher on the 21 and none on the GTA .The GTA had a recirc fitted as std not sure if the 21 did
To be fair, its not like the RENAULT 5 TURBOZ (cue Bill) were running massive amounts of pressure through the turbos from the factory.
Almost as annoying as the F***HEADS that pronounce 'Renault' "Ren-ulT" rather than "Ren-o"
tim i can say i agree,
well tbh ok no dv on a fully oe reggie 5
but once boost is turnt up, surely a turbo wont last long with 15/20 psi of surge all day long
Nope what's really annoying is when they call it an Alpina
I really detest that one! I phoned up for an insurance quote years ago, and said it was for a Renault 5 gt turbo. The woman on the phone then later referred to it as a Ren-ULT 5 gt turbo, and I said that I didn't have one of those. She got all confused and asked what car I did have, so I said a Ren-O 5 gt turbo. There was a rather long silence after that!
Bill, she was probably just stunned that you, yourself, had it in you to be sarcastic