You asked for it, you got it
It has taken me soooooooooooooo long to do so please don’t say anything too horrible and make me cry. Please excuse the formatting in a few small areas, it’s been through quite a few file type changes to make it a reasonable size for people to view. Also, the "first" page is actually the back page - I've done this in case we print any, fold them and post them out as a little pamphlet later on.
I've been through all the threads about what the members want and hopefully I've covered it, if not more. I hope it's attractive to look at and interesting to read. Ummmm, I'd like to say blood has gone into it but I think those red marks were just the copious amounts of wine I have drunk during the days and nights making this.
It won't take half as long for me to do next time as I had to deal with thought processes and the design aspect of it - I can now use this (or something like this) as a template for future newsletters.
Thank you for the suggestions made by the members, the help and tweaks from the Committee team and Stu21T for offering to write the first draft of the members feature for me.
Hope you like...
N.B - It's a big old file so please bare with it while it loads