View Full Version : Any nurses/doctors/hospial staff on here?

02-09-2009, 11:51
Just unno what to do, ive run out of dressings for my back, its all looking nitted together, but how long should i keep it covered by dressing?

I dont want it to ping open and my back to slide out of me. Also dont wanna take a risk with no dressing and get infections.

Anybody in the know please advise :) if i ring NHS line i always end up with swine flu after answering the questions.

or if i ring my surgery i get mini hitlers at the end of the phone line.

02-09-2009, 12:04
are the stitches the ones that dissolve over time or do you need to get them removed?

02-09-2009, 12:05
To be honest I don't think anyone could safely try and advise without seeing it, as you know, everyone heals at an entirely different rate. I'd pop into the drop-in centre at your local hospital if you have one, the Swindon one was awesome last time I needed some assistance :)

02-09-2009, 17:00
My miisus works in the hospital mate she said phone the nhs helpline for advice and in some cases they can send someone round to look and change dressing ect if need be

02-09-2009, 17:10
Thanks guys, ive been getting them changed but not by people in the know. but ive now run out of the massive dressing things..

Ile pop to epsom when i can :)

02-09-2009, 18:23
Your gunna have a uber cool scar aint ya. Terminator style.

"come with me if you want to live"

5teve L
02-09-2009, 18:56
Your gunna have a uber cool scar aint ya. Terminator style.

"come with me if you want to live"

Surely you mean 'Sherminator style'

Lol... sorry J, hope you get it sorted...