View Full Version : KW Coilovers. HLS system.

26-07-2009, 10:51
anyone heard of these.? seem to be the thing on german cars.

hls= hydraulic lift system. seems a good idea for those who like to slam the front end but can still get access over road humps etc! there available for the front or all corners. obviously dont know if they cater for french metal though:rolleyes:

KWAutomotive (http://www.kwsuspensions.de/uk/30_Products/21_KW_HLS/index.php)

vid clip (http://www.kwsuspensions.de/HLS-Special/video.html)

27-07-2009, 12:37
KWs have good reputation among German car owners (Bmw, VW...) There are three different variants. Few peeps here have V3 coilovers (bound,rebound,height) on their CS197 and say it is best kit on the market. Nothing available for GTT though. IMHO only Bilstein B16 PSS is better kit if we look at rather same price range (around 1300€).