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View Full Version : Red Faction Guerrilla (demo on 360)

10-06-2009, 07:41
not sure if anybody else played and loved the original red faction as myself and my friend speant months simply designing levels and playing through them making maximum use of the geo mod (ability to blow up walls) in multiplayer modes.

Last night whilst on 360 live i came across the demo of the new red faction, played it for about 7 mins and hated it.., It played ****.. just wondered if anybody else has managed any longer and could tell me its not a bad game and i should give it another shot.

I found it felt 2 years to late (old graphics and crap ai) and well it just didnt work.

10-06-2009, 09:01
get to the walker and have some fun in that and then see what you think. Personally on my first play through i didnt like it but the more i played i thought the action was dead on the right speed, the hammer is very pleasing and the destruction is immense. I also loved the first red faction even though a lot seemed to give it average reviews. Play it again and get to the walker if you didnt last time.

10-06-2009, 09:42
ok then, ill make my way to the walker, i just threw about 4 satchel charges and kept blowing people up.. that was for the few mins i played it anyway. :P

11-06-2009, 17:21
they react nicely if you get the charge to stick to there face :)

12-06-2009, 08:06
haha indeed ive done that a few times.. need to update my live account on xbox and get gaming some..

15-06-2009, 10:58
I downloaded and played this the other day, it was pretty intense, people just kept on appearing and pummeling me thus making it hard to get anywhere! Still enjoyed it though, might get it after I am done with my other games.