View Full Version : Tracker

Dan O'Neill
06-06-2009, 17:19
Im tacking my alarm clifford G5 out of my five it also has a tracker fitted ive phoned the company that installed it and they said they have no paperwork to say where it was put in the car, they also said it can't be reused in another car is this true? if i can use it again where about do you think it could be in a renault 5 and what does it look like? cheers

06-06-2009, 17:52
It could be anywhere mate. They put them in all sorts of places. No doubt your going to have to pull the car to bits! :crap:

Dan O'Neill
06-06-2009, 18:52
ive had the dash out coz i replaced it with a better one I saw all the clifford bits the whole interia was out and there was no sign of a tracker, to be fair i dont no what one looks like, but i didn't see anything that could be a tracker.
If I did find it could it be used on another car the guy said it couldnt. I dont really wanna pay £350 + VAT on another tracker when I paid £1000 on a clifford G5 alarm and tracker. :cry: