View Full Version : any one near sudbury/colchester area

21-05-2009, 19:00
hi ive got a bit of a weird question, is there any one with a r5 whats running anything from standed to 170 bhp or more and lives near to me in sudbury and wouldnt mind meeting up and possible taking me for a spin in theres as i have done few bits to mine and had it rolling roaded and just dosent seam to me likes it performing like people say they do cheers mike:)

21-05-2009, 19:17
You could ask MarkyB or his bro, both thier 5s are running at the mo, if u could wait till july I'd take u out in mine once its mapped

21-05-2009, 19:19
ok well ill wait and see what replys i get he is in bury aint he

22-05-2009, 13:49
would of took you out in mine m8 but ive just taken it off the road to put it to track spec... im from tiptree near colchester.. but i do no theres some other 5s kicking about round this way...

22-05-2009, 14:19
Santa Pod isn't too far from Sudbury, come down there on the 29th and you'll have the chance to see, hear and compare your 5 to a lot of others all day long ;)

markey b
22-05-2009, 14:50
i'm in bury, so about 30 mines away... mines pretty nippy, my bro's should be around the 150-170bhp mark tho, i think mine is 170ish on low boost