View Full Version : T25 Turbo Rebuild

18-05-2009, 20:39

Following on from the sucsess of my T3 rebuild, HERE (http://www.rtoc.org/boards/showthread.php?t=5102), thanks to the help of you chaps, I've been asked to help out a fellow RTOC member and re-build his T25.

It sounds like it has very similar symptoms...

Just wondering if its the same process with a T2 style turbo or is it totaly different?

V Man
18-05-2009, 21:01

Following on from the sucsess of my T3 rebuild, HERE (http://www.rtoc.org/boards/showthread.php?t=5102), thanks to the help of you chaps, I've been asked to help out a fellow RTOC member and re-build his T25.

It sounds like it has very similar symptoms...

Just wondering if its the same process with a T2 style turbo or is it totaly different?

G, you probably already seen it but it looked like a thorough guide
It's for a T 28 .....

18-05-2009, 21:06
For a t25 :)


18-05-2009, 21:13
aw im too slow:(

18-05-2009, 21:19
nice one, looks pretty similar to the T3, maybe a bit more fiddley with the large snap ring!

Thanks for the help!

18-05-2009, 21:30
I had an old t2 so i thought i would take it apart. That massive circlip is a beast, i was flinching all the time i was pulling it out :eek: Get loads of plus gas on the front and back of the housing. The back housing was realy hard to get off and had to wack it off :) with a hammer! iam pretty heavy handed though:)

V Man
18-05-2009, 21:33

Don't know what your circlip pliers situation is but i have a set which is quite useful. If you need it ill slip it under your wheely bin;)

18-05-2009, 21:40
Very good of you to offer sir... Mine are pretty useless tbh, they are too small to use on the big one and too big to use on the small ones...

If you're passing with them in the boot then feel free to drop them off! You could always pop in for a cuppa ;)

18-05-2009, 21:41
I tried getting the big circlip out without circlips, big no no. 2 hours of my life wasted:cry:

18-05-2009, 21:58
i've done it before with a range of screwdrivers! What a fcuk on tho!

18-05-2009, 22:59
Got a pair of big circlip pliers here that work really well on them compressor circlips if you need a borrow mate.

Adam L
19-05-2009, 18:43
All T2x series turbo's use the same internals, so any guide will do.

I'd probably use some thread locker on the thrust bearing screws too.