View Full Version : Brake pedal travel

08-05-2009, 16:31
Right just got the car back from MOT station. Full MOT on it now after having 4 brake pipes and new rear calipers done. Got in the car to drive it home and the brake pedal feels shocking. Loads of travel. Almost dangerous I'd say. Is this just a case of bleeding again?

mr bean aka pete
08-05-2009, 18:54
what do you mean by shocking as no pedal or spongy pedal or press the pedal and nothing then halfway a solid pedal ????????????? could try rebleeding :crap:

michael tierney
08-05-2009, 19:16
i eventually had to buy a vacuum bleed kit to sort mine....most of the trouble is at the rear brake valve!

08-05-2009, 21:54
what do you mean by shocking as no pedal or spongy pedal or press the pedal and nothing then halfway a solid pedal ????????????? could try rebleeding :crap:

It just seems to travel further. No where near as solid as before. Will have a go at bleeding Pete.

Pete@Backyard Racing
08-05-2009, 22:25
Right just got the car back from MOT station. Full MOT on it now after having 4 brake pipes and new rear calipers done. Got in the car to drive it home and the brake pedal feels shocking. Loads of travel. Almost dangerous I'd say. Is this just a case of bleeding again?

just try bleeding it a few more times diagonally as per the haynes manual :)

09-05-2009, 08:01
Cheers peeps.

09-05-2009, 18:19
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

did you have new rear pads but keep the old discs?

09-05-2009, 18:59
Just new calipers and handbrake cable mate.

09-05-2009, 19:03
ok does the brake peddle creep as in if u pump it up with the engine off does slowly sink all the way down??

09-05-2009, 20:18
No mate. Just feels worse than it did before the new stuff. Am bleeding it again tomorrow.

09-05-2009, 20:25
master cylinder is ok then a good bleed will have it back to normal in no time