View Full Version : Back on the road... Maybe!

07-05-2009, 11:33
Hello all.

My car has been stored for over a year and I want to drag it back out on the road with the view to sell it as I never use it and I cant see that I ever will again. It would make sense for someone else to have it and finish what I started.

Anyway before i stored it, it was in full working order and I had only done about 1350 it in since K-tec pretty much did everything (No comments required) and 1000 of these miles were running in so it was kept below 3000 revs. (again no comments required on the running in, we all do things differently!)

Anyway my question is this, before I try and start it should I change the oil? What other things do you suggest before I start it and try for an MOT? Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.

07-05-2009, 11:38
Id whip king lead off & crank it over on the starter to get the oil pressure up before starting. Warm it up then change the oil:)

07-05-2009, 11:39
Might be worth turning it over by hand to get the oil pumped round a bit. Make sure its topped up with water and oil just incase there is a slow leak. Other than that fire it up

Duncan Grier
07-05-2009, 11:41
Oil should be fine tbh but you may want to prime the turbo and get some oil round the engine before starting and getting everything upto temp ;)

Sure on those old c1j engines you disconnect the king lead things :P

If you want to be super worried take the spark plugs out to let the engine spin a bit 1st with no strain and then put them back in to get the oil pressure up

If your oil pressure gauge works you want some pressure in the system before connecting what you have removed and start ;)

I did the super worried process on the vx220 when finally put back together as I had drained the oil and sat for 3 months


Duncan Grier
07-05-2009, 11:42
To long typing, been beaten to it lol

07-05-2009, 12:46
Thanks for the advice guys. I have never cranked a car over by hand before, I will look Saturday but I may not be able to do it. If I cant then would it be ok to just disconnect the King lead and take out some plugs and just turn the key in the ignition? Sorry if I sound really thick, I have never done this before....

07-05-2009, 12:48
Either taking the king lead out or removing the sparks will turn the car over on the starter only.

Duncan Grier
07-05-2009, 12:54
turning by hand is just a case of correct size spanner on the bottom pulley bolt (the big wheel near the sump) and turn the correct way (cant remember off top of my head lol) its the other end of the alt belt ;)

07-05-2009, 12:56
Leave the plugs in, Disconnect king lead & crank for say five secs then stop, to give the starter a break. Repeat until oil light goes out on dash, The pressure will be up then. Re-connect king lead & fire it up. No need to crank by hand or take the plugs out.

07-05-2009, 13:03
I was only going by hand just to make sure its turns ok

07-05-2009, 13:07
Thanks again for the advice. Hopefully it will be running by Saturday and MOT'ed very soon after :)

07-05-2009, 13:09
Sorry one other thing, how much oil should I put it? 4ltrs? I have searched but have only found the type...