View Full Version : Is this uprated clutch??

05-05-2009, 20:39
Was sold as uprated clutch when bought with car. Just checking if it is.

made by valeo and is 200mm

numbers and writting on it are from left to right:

391232 U 279519 MADE BY VALEO 170303

391232 U 279519 MADE BY VALEO 170303
these 2 numbers could both be 9 or 3 hard to tell as they are located on some lugs.

Also does it look in good condition, have enough meat on it etc

thanks in advance :D

05-05-2009, 22:07
dont uprated valeo clutches have 3 springs:confused:

05-05-2009, 22:53
ive just looked on a brandnew one i have sat here and those numbers your refering to dont match up infact i would be temted to say there manufactures numbers part of a process and not the actual part number. i may stand corrected though mate

05-05-2009, 23:00
That's the only info I have that is written on the clutch. Just wondering what it was for future reference while it is off the car. Is their plenty of meat on it?

05-05-2009, 23:06
the new one i have here measure 8.10mm thick if you have a micrometer to measure it

Adam L
05-05-2009, 23:13
I've got a brand new Valeo clutch about 10 feet from me, I can't be bothered to check it though... I thought i'd let you know that. X

05-05-2009, 23:30
Thanks ritchie :)

Ha ha Adam you lazy scrote:D

Adam L
05-05-2009, 23:35
I made it sound as if it was inside... It's not. It's actually outside in a crate covered by some manky blanket. I'm sat here in my boxers, and i'm not prepared to walk outside to check it, only because it's cold... Beleive that ****.

05-05-2009, 23:42
Adam + walking to clutch + wrapping manky blanket around himself= warmth to Adam and info to andy :cool:

markey b
06-05-2009, 00:26
this is a valeo greenbox clutch, excuse it being mullered lol

maybe the numbers on it mean something, maybe not lol



06-05-2009, 09:06
flip knows what it is then. As ritchie says then those numbers are probably manufactures numbers.markey b and ritchie do your springs have any markings on them. Mine has a White stripe on some and a green stripe on a few.

The new Bill J
06-05-2009, 14:10
this is a valeo greenbox clutch, excuse it being mullered lol

maybe the numbers on it mean something, maybe not lol

Jeez mush, you're worse than Adey :eek: :laugh:


06-05-2009, 14:18
http://nomorelol.com (http://nomorelol.com/)

what a load of pointless tripe

LOL :wasntme:

Big Steve - Raider
06-05-2009, 15:00
LOI :p

06-05-2009, 15:03

06-05-2009, 15:06
LOI :p

Already been done. Twice. http://www.rtoc.org/boards/showthread.php?t=6435

Catch up :rolleyes:

Big Steve - Raider
06-05-2009, 15:11
Already been done. Twice. http://www.rtoc.org/boards/showthread.php?t=6435

Catch up :rolleyes:

:sad: :denied:

You're just gutted you got beat last time! :laugh:

06-05-2009, 15:15
:sad: :denied:

You're just gutted you got beat last time! :laugh:

It still hurts!! :cry:

I take my 'trying to be funny' very seriously!

Tiny Tim
06-05-2009, 15:18
I take my 'trying to be funny' very seriously!

I'm glad someone does. :rolleyes:

06-05-2009, 15:20
I'm glad someone does. :rolleyes:

LOL! You can tell this from my latest PM..

Tiny Tim
06-05-2009, 15:23
LOL! You can tell this from my latest PM..

That was pretty funny actually. You forget im just a miserable ******* and will very rarely display moments of amusement.

'Loi' doesnt even cut it.

06-05-2009, 15:25
Doi? Poor Tim :(

Tiny Tim
06-05-2009, 15:26
Very apt.

06-05-2009, 18:20
this is a valeo greenbox clutch, excuse it being mullered lol

maybe the numbers on it mean something, maybe not lol



680851 are the same numbers as what i have but the ones following it are different if that makes sence

06-05-2009, 18:21
this is a valeo greenbox clutch, excuse it being mullered lol

maybe the numbers on it mean something, maybe not lol


680851 is the manf' code/part number.
271107 is date of manufacture; ie, 27/11/07

07-05-2009, 19:08
Well it looks in good nic, so im gonna bang it back on, flip knows what it is though.:crap: