View Full Version : enlarge'n needle

Mr 5
26-04-2009, 19:32
ok so am going to "try" and enlarge the needle valve that goes into the float chamber,stiil running abit lean after 8seconds-ish...

what size do i want to go ? 1.7mm? also,how do i do it ? remove valve from float chamber lid and enlarge the top hole ? what about the ball bearing inside ?

Mr 5
27-04-2009, 07:50
come on, somebody? please .....:(

dont want to end up doing it wrong and destroying it :(

27-04-2009, 10:11
are they not 1.7mm standard?

Mr 5
27-04-2009, 10:16
pass.... thought someone said they were 1.4mm standard ? or maybe am talking s**t ? lol

Tiny Tim
27-04-2009, 10:25
are they not 1.7mm standard?


Adey aka Ewok
27-04-2009, 10:43
yeah 1.7 stock, 2mm is what u wana go to, ive tried drilling one out but it didnt seal, got one sent from another member to try out.

Tiny Tim
27-04-2009, 10:48
Think i've got one sitting at BTTD H/Q. I'll have a check later.

27-04-2009, 13:02
yeah 1.7 stock, 2mm is what u wana go to, ive tried drilling one out but it didnt seal, got one sent from another member to try out.

I had problems getting the 2.0 needle to seal I ended up drilling a 1.9 and it sealed perfectly and was enough to stop me emptying the chamber @ 7.8k rpm's with afr's of 12.1-12.2

Mr 5
27-04-2009, 18:52
Think i've got one sitting at BTTD H/Q. I'll have a check later.

if you have might it be for sale ? :)

27-04-2009, 19:08
you can buy 2mm needles on ebay so no need to drill your 1.7.

Mr 5
27-04-2009, 19:22
what do you search for? i cant find them :(

27-04-2009, 19:28
check out your last thread on carbs its all in there :)

Mr 5
27-04-2009, 19:39
cheers car crash, done :)

out of curiosity how long did it take to arrive ?

27-04-2009, 19:41
logg did a bulk order but i think it was inside 1 week maybe sooner.

Tiny Tim
27-04-2009, 19:43
if you have might it be for sale ? :)

Nope, you can sort mea beer atNational day though

Tiny Tim
27-04-2009, 19:44
Or a new keyboard. :mad:

Mr 5
27-04-2009, 20:10
Or a new keyboard. :mad:

haha, no longer needed, ordered one off 'das ebay :) but thanks :D

27-04-2009, 22:37
Out of interested Car crash, how does your gt drive on light throttle town driving with a twin feed design 2mm needle and what psi is your base fuel at? :)

27-04-2009, 22:41
i have not actually fitted mine yet, but turbo ted has his and he runs fine on street and pod but hes 25 psi and up. i fitted onto to dangerous daves car and he uses it on street and his car was fine at 16psi. weve not long got them so its still early days but so far so good and the float seems to seal them ok. maybe dave will give some better feedback later on his.

27-04-2009, 22:45
Yeah float seals fine, just feels slightly lumpy to me of boost :confused: ? ive got the part number for the landrover needles somewhere, will post them up. no longer needed in my LM case :)

dangerous dave
27-04-2009, 23:57
my car runs like dog s**t at the mo but it did before the needle was fitted:p the otherday i did get some puffy smoke while sat at idle outside, but my fueling at idle was shocking before it went in:ashamed:

im certain the needles doing its job well, infact the only thing working right at the mo.. hammering it in 4th and 5th the fueling was great, but im only running 16psi..

i've got the lm2 fitted and no readings are increasing/decreasing at idle so im sure no fuels breaking past it..

Mr 5
02-05-2009, 17:35
new needle arrived (2mm) and...... its better,much infact,but still runs out of puff at say 90-100 mph from a standing start at full throttle. idle and general driving are unaffected so can definately reccomend the larger needle.

gues all this points to a problem with fuel or air in the carb tho....dam

03-05-2009, 16:04
Raising rate reg:coffee:

Andrew Cooke
03-05-2009, 16:08
have you checked the fuel pressure under load?

Mr 5
04-05-2009, 11:15
wouldnt have thought it would be the reg,brand new,as is pretty much full fuel system.

havent checked under load,

what will i do? T into the car top fuel inlet and run a gauge into the car ? what should it read under load?

04-05-2009, 20:27
Can you tell us where you managed to get the 2mm needle valve from mate , as i still cant find one on ebay ..... cheers

04-05-2009, 22:13
Old Landrovers have them, only numbers i have are:


B0041S FN

:confused: aint a clue if that helps......

Mr 5
04-05-2009, 22:54
ere you go :)

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Schwimmernadelventil-Solex-Pierburg-2-0-Mess-M12x1-25_W0QQitemZ350175986472QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAutotei le_Zubeh%C3%B6r?hash=item350175986472&_trksid=p4634.c0.m14.l1262&_trkparms=%7C301%3A1%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A30

only took 4days to arrive aswel :agree: