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31-08-2008, 17:43
on the yearly view calender would it be possible to change the date colour after a even has been placed as its quite difficult to see what dates have events on when looking at the yearly calendar.

31-08-2008, 20:04
I'll look into it :)

31-08-2008, 20:07
cool cool, also i have spelt event wrong, but i cant find the edit button. am i being blind :confused:

it will allow me to edit this post but not the main.

31-08-2008, 21:14
cool cool, also i have spelt event wrong, but i cant find the edit button. am i being blind :confused:

it will allow me to edit this post but not the main.

Ahh, there is a time limit on post editing, basically if you spot that there is a mistake you have upto 30mins (I think) to edit it, after that the button vanishes. It's done that way so that people can't back-track in an argument or whatever.

I'll ask around and see what people prefer, I can set it so that there is no time limit on editing :)

31-08-2008, 21:33
im not fussed either way, now you mention it, its a good idea.
i just didnt know if it was a bug or not :)

01-09-2008, 01:11
im not fussed either way, now you mention it, its a good idea.
i just didnt know if it was a bug or not :)
crash ive asked for a two hour personal edit
simple reason
if and event or post gets put up at say 12.45 and one has to go to lunch at 01.00 .. i know for a fact that orafice workers always take long lunch breaks. 2 hours seeems far to me

Ian S
01-09-2008, 15:06
Colin are you using firefox? Have you get the firefox spell checker enabled?

On the Firefox tool bar at the top left of the page , 6th from left is: tools
Click on this then the others as listed below:
options (found at the bottom)
advanced (found at the top right)

Look in the area labelled 'browsing'

third one down "check spelling as I type"

tick 'yes'

It's not perfect, but it should help you A LOT :)

As a moderator you should be setting an example to other users. Especially when most of us are hot on correct spelling, punctuation and no text type, etc.