View Full Version : Bay cleaning help

08-04-2009, 11:06
The last couple of years storage have not been too kind to the metal surfaces of various bits in the engine bay of J510, the aluminiums are coming up fine but the furry zincs are staying furry. Does anyone have any tips how best to treat these or is that how they will remain. I've not yet used anything abrasive yet.
Also did i see on one of the restoration threads a kit of replacement zinc bits and bolts? or would that be too ideal.


08-04-2009, 14:30
The last couple of years storage have not been too kind to the metal surfaces of various bits in the engine bay of J510, the aluminiums are coming up fine but the furry zincs are staying furry. Does anyone have any tips how best to treat these or is that how they will remain. I've not yet used anything abrasive yet.
Also did i see on one of the restoration threads a kit of replacement zinc bits and bolts? or would that be too ideal.


Julian - do you have a picture of the engine bay on which you can identify the parts that need cleaning ? If the furry parts are zinc then a soaking in lemon juice followed by hot soapy water may help - http://www.wikihow.com/Clean-Zinc? Steven

08-04-2009, 15:58
It's weird, some bits are untouched and others are quite bad. You can see from the pic below a lot of the carb bits have gone, the loop at the front of the engine etc etc.
I'd prefer to not start taking it to bits if i can help it.

08-04-2009, 17:38
If the furry parts are zinc then a soaking in lemon juice followed by hot soapy water may help - http://www.wikihow.com/Clean-Zinc? Steven[/quote]

Has this actually been tested??? if so does it work??

08-04-2009, 18:19
I'm going to try it on a couple of little patches tonight so we'll see:)

08-04-2009, 21:05
:)or take them off and get them re plated i am in the process of doing this

08-04-2009, 21:30
As I mentioned that will be a last resort, if a little elbow grease will work then ill try it.
Just spent the last half hour trying to get my phone to upload pics here and then lost them, the results are not dramatic but I'm going to give it another go. Pics will have to follow.

08-04-2009, 22:03
id save the lemon for the cocktails mate,if your metal work is that far tarnished
no miracle juice is going to brighten it up like new,if your that bothered just take
the carb off an all that metal can be replaced/replated or polished up...

09-04-2009, 09:58
id save the lemon for the cocktails mate,if your metal work is that far tarnished
no miracle juice is going to brighten it up like new,if your that bothered just take
the carb off an all that metal can be replaced/replated or polished up...

Well yes i am that botherted. You're probably right but i thought i'd ask anyway, anything to try to avoid removing bits unless i have to, you have to remember that even if i read Haynes front to back some of us would still be on a different planet as regards experience in taking these machines to bits.