View Full Version : Group A carb???

06-04-2009, 00:24
Was just wondering how can i tell i have a group A carb?

Sorry for all the questions, was told it had a group A carb when i bought it..just want to be sure :crap:

Cheers people!

06-04-2009, 12:56
Use the search. This has been done to death recently.

Andrew Cooke
06-04-2009, 13:26

click on articles above, lots of stuff that you need to read before asking anything about anything...

06-04-2009, 17:24
someone once told me it had 'GRP A' stamped halfway down the venturi...

06-04-2009, 17:33
I thought I had a Group A carb on my old GTT, until Scoff took it off and had a look at it and told me it was original. We were both relieved :laugh:

06-04-2009, 18:20
Cheers guys!

Everything i needed to know ;)