View Full Version : Rubber Carb Gasket

tom t
04-03-2009, 10:46
Has any1 got the part number for the Rubber Gasket between carb inlet manifold, please.


04-03-2009, 12:38
I have'nt got the part number, but ive got about 4 of them sat in the shed at home.
PM me your address and ill pop one in the post.


Tiny Tim
04-03-2009, 12:39
Thats very tall of you Stu.

Err I mean big.

04-03-2009, 12:50
Don't mention it Tim, im glad you approve :uhhuh:

tom t
04-03-2009, 18:29
cheers again stu. also instead of starting a new thread.

ive been trying to get my mixture screw out. and im having real problems . ive even took the carb off the car.
and now the base that it sits in off the bottom of the carb.

its asif the things snapped as i wind it all the way out and its still poking through its hole and it just wont come out. any tips appreciated.

(carb service kit ordered) sweeet also do you think i should be able to re-build the carb myself? cheers

04-03-2009, 18:35
cheers again stu. also instead of starting a new thread.

ive been trying to get my mixture screw out. and im having real problems . ive even took the carb off the car.
and now the base that it sits in off the bottom of the carb.

its asif the things snapped as i wind it all the way out and its still poking through its hole and it just wont come out. any tips appreciated.

(carb service kit ordered) sweeet also do you think i should be able to re-build the carb myself? cheers

Look here http://www.rtoc.org/boards/showthread.php?t=4743

i l k e r
04-03-2009, 18:35


tom t
04-03-2009, 20:53
that will come in handy would have searched for that nearer the time. got the mixture screw sorted. thats all i wanted to do lol.

now it seems ill be rebuilding the carb lol..

does anyone know where i can get this spring in the pic

as you can see mines a bit buggered. and when i open the throttle the butterfly doesnt fully close. nt sure if the springs the cause of it (it wasnt even attached when i was doing it. as thats how it was) cheers

much beter now ive attached the spring could still do with replacing it.
also does anyone know where i can get hold of the throttle butterfly screws? ta

05-03-2009, 21:10
I would try giving Webcon a call for the bits if you still need them. Google them for contact details etc.. Also there's Southern Carburetters based over Wimbledon way who might also be worth a bell. Theres a really usefull guy called Anthony I think based in Wales that had the new carbs a while back who might be able to help you out. Havent got his details to hand but will dig them out if you get stuck. Also have you tried your Renault main dealer ?, you never know but I doubt it.. Cheers

tom t
06-03-2009, 00:49
awesome cheers m8 will more then likely have to google them ta.

just ordered my carb rebuild kit of the rtoc shop (dont mean to be rude but does anybody know roughly the delivery time for these at the mo ta.) not sure who to pm about it thanks.. not that its a big problem as it was a bargain :agree:

also i want to be able to run a bar of boooost safely, well safely enough till i get my lambda gauge. i know every engine is different etc.

would someone please give me a rough idea as to what size jets should be ok for the time being? thanks;)