View Full Version : Hows life treating ya???

18-02-2009, 19:52
Hey guys and girls, as the title reads how is it?? Right now mine is looking good what about ya'll??

18-02-2009, 20:10
Every things good for me as well mate:cool:. Im trying to give up smoking which is not easy.:smokin:

Tiny Tim
18-02-2009, 20:14
Mint. Apart from my little lad not being very well at the moment but he's on the mend.

4th Wedding anniversary today, good job, great car, comfortable financially. Cant complain :)

Thanks for asking you old devil :wasntme:

The new Bill J
18-02-2009, 20:18
4th Wedding anniversary today,

4 years! Are you sure you can count? Jeez, how quickly has that gone? :eek:

Congrats mush :agree:

18-02-2009, 20:20
Nice to hear that you guys :D Dave i hear they say its hard to quit, I gave up around 12 years ago one day just said that was enough and never looked back...Tim I hope your little man gets better soon. I just thought i'd ask to see how other members were getting on ;)

Tiny Tim
18-02-2009, 20:20
Yeah, quickly... hasnt dragged at all :eek:


Cheers dude :agree:

18-02-2009, 20:51
the wify got the hump (dont ask why wimin:scratch:)
Camparse has found somwere nice and snug for an engine build :cooter:

im getting old and grumpy:coffee:

my allotment is still too wet to get going:cry::cry:

but life is on the up cos ive noticed the mart smiley :mart::laugh::laugh:

Penfold aka The Dealer
18-02-2009, 20:57
Good to see you back on line col.

As for me life is swell.

18-02-2009, 21:04
My next door gardening guru returns home after 4 months in Spain on Friday so I've got to get my finger out and tend the land or he'll be pissed :laugh: I've missed the old bugger so will be good to see his face .
It's just been too damn cold and wet to get owt done .

I like my lot at present .Me-Dawny's business is on the up ,the GTA is getting there and Spring cometh .

18-02-2009, 21:49
im getting old and grumpy:coffee:

yea, we all knew that YEARS ago...;) :cooter: :laugh:

18-02-2009, 21:57
its good...then it went bad..now its back to good
again,for how long who knows! :laugh::smokin:

18-02-2009, 22:01
Pretty good, just drove the 5 to manc. A guy in a red clio v6 raced next to me on motorway giving signals of how ammazed he was at the 5, I have them back to his v6 and away he went off the junction :D

18-02-2009, 22:48
my life is alllll good ryt now too.
cars just back on the road as of tonight.work is good.good food.good girlfriend.good mates(some :) )good health.
just in general everythin is good and a hope it stays that way
for all you lot too

18-02-2009, 22:57
After 2 months with no job i start a new one 2moro

Im playing my first ever gig on sunday and its going to be good (i hope)

Quit smoking nyd and haven't touched one since

And best of all i don't look like Tiny Tim so all is great in my life :D

18-02-2009, 23:16
Pretty good, just drove the 5 to manc. A guy in a red clio v6 raced next to me on motorway giving signals of how ammazed he was at the 5, I have them back to his v6 and away he went off the junction :D

You came to Manc and you didn't come and say hello!? :eek::cry:

19-02-2009, 03:58
You came to Manc and you didn't come and say hello!? :eek::cry:

im here till friday :D pm me ur number il come say hello

19-02-2009, 08:13
im 19 and havent got a clue where im going at the mo....i work for the AA in sales which im good at but i hate. im thinking of going back to college in september to retake my maths and science GCSE as i want to apply to the R.A.F as a pilot.

In the meantime ive also applied for the west midlands fire service for the third time...


19-02-2009, 09:29
Life is good! 5 is almost complete, plenty of work but the only downside is...I have high blood pressure @ 21 y/o :crap: think I will either take it easy on the coffee :coffee: or apply for that job working on a beach! :cool:.

19-02-2009, 09:34
My life is SH1TE right now. I need to vent. My company that i started in late 2007 is falling apart due to there being no money anywhere, Im borrowing money left right and center and there is HUUUUGE pressue from the missus and family to sell my 5!! Its the only thing that is keeping me going and sain....and I cant even drive it right now cause it SORNed. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. (insurance and petrol to expensive). Oh and my daily runner which gets me 60 miles everyday breaks down every twenty feet, everything feels like a torture treatment right now.

Couple of potential contracts on the horizon but they might be to far away and the finances are beyond tight.

I cant dell the 5
I cant sell the 5
I cent sull thew 5
I can sell the 5....wait, what?

19-02-2009, 09:42
I cant dell the 5
I cant sell the 5
I cent sull thew 5
I can sell the 5....wait, what?


Hope stuff works out for you Mike :agree:

19-02-2009, 10:32
My life is SH1TE right now. I need to vent. My company that i started in late 2007 is falling apart due to there being no money anywhere, Im borrowing money left right and center and there is HUUUUGE pressue from the missus and family to sell my 5!! Its the only thing that is keeping me going and sain....and I cant even drive it right now cause it SORNed. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. (insurance and petrol to expensive). Oh and my daily runner which gets me 60 miles everyday breaks down every twenty feet, everything feels like a torture treatment right now.

Couple of potential contracts on the horizon but they might be to far away and the finances are beyond tight.

I cant dell the 5
I cant sell the 5
I cent sull thew 5
I can sell the 5....wait, what?

aye hope it sorts itself out for ya

19-02-2009, 10:36
Life is pretty cushty for me right now, I've gotta admit

The final 6 months of '08 were PARP to be polite, 3 funerals, relationship and family issues bla bla bla.

Everything has since rectified itself and I'm happier than I ever remember being. Work is good and family, friends and relationships are better than ever. I'm looking forward to this year and what it may bring, all thanks to a few special people in my life :D <---- Smug face

19-02-2009, 10:51
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

im 19 and havent got a clue where im going at the mo....i work for the AA in sales which im good at but i hate. im thinking of going back to college in september to retake my maths and science GCSE as i want to apply to the R.A.F as a pilot.

In the meantime ive also applied for the west midlands fire service for the third time...

if u get there ull be coming to my work up in sunny north wales lol, i service all the hawks the raf use for their fast jet trainnig. if u want some info on it pm me an ill see wot i can do.

19-02-2009, 11:54
Life is sh1te:( id personally like to die:agree:

im fighting a battle in my head, ive suffered with bad anxiety and depression for the past 3yrs and been out of work for the past 2yrs. this has caused my health to suffer as i dont go anywhere and get no exercise. currently obese although ive lost 1stone in the last month from doing nothing:scratch:
im actually getting better now, as i think ive routed my problem to be that i am too much of a DEEP thinker, ive learnt to just not give a sh1t(within reason) now.
one thing that still stresses me is that i need to be in work for my wife to come over to the uk to live with me. this is whats pushed me to sorting myself out,even though i dont value my life i do value hers :)
its frustrating for me now in this economic crisis as i DO want to get back into work but just cant find anything. im now going down the self employed route and will hopefully become a taxi driver after i hopefully pass the taxi knowledge test on the 25th, ive already passed the taxi driving test.:)

my mum also suffers from the same condition as me, my dad is on his way out as he has lung cancer which spread from a cancer they removed from his bowel, he cant have cemotherapy (which is probably a good thing) as he has a pacemaker fitted and is on alot of heart meds, the docs can do nothing.
both my parents also suffer from fybromyalgia which ive been reading up about. and sorry if i upset anyone with my thread on "who smoke d'erb" but this had something to do with it. i was sort of trying to find out abit about different varieties etc as tests have shown marijuana to work very well with fybromyalgia sufferers as opposed to the nasty side effective meds they are given. thats not an excuse for starting that thread, i shouldnt have done it.sorry.

all of these problem plus the worry of what will happen to my mum once my dads gone as hes basically fcuked everything up for him and my mum by loosing all his life saving in shares plus getting loans and remortaging our house which was all paid for all to feed his share buying addiction:sad2: he did all this in secret aswell.:mad:

aaaaanyway life is life, i cant let it get to me:)

thing are slowly getting better:) and they WILL get better:)

19-02-2009, 11:58
ahh great stuff will do mate :)

19-02-2009, 12:04
You will see it throught Raj!
I hope this taxi driving doesnt affect your engine rebuilds, I want to see more! :laugh:

19-02-2009, 12:07
Raj man :(

You come across as a very strong person. You go through this, but you're still such a quality guy (I mean that.. not just chatting bollox to try and make you feel better). I hope everything works out for you, and everything works out regarding the taxi.

19-02-2009, 12:12
:( raj all the best mate..

19-02-2009, 12:17
Raj man :(

You come across as a very strong person. You go through this, but you're still such a quality guy (I mean that.. not just chatting bollox to try and make you feel better). I hope everything works out for you, and everything works out regarding the taxi.

thats the internet for you! for all anyone knows i could be a 60yr old goat herder living in outer mongolia lol.

i am a strong minded person,or i used to be:scratch: im just aiming to get the good ole healthy me back:) cheers fellas..............................

.....runs to catch an escaped goat:D

19-02-2009, 12:17
raj what do you do to help yourself out, anxiety is a bollox. hope you get past it..battle with ones mind is the hardest battle you will ever fight.

19-02-2009, 12:18
Damn raj...hope everything works out for you, be strong :)

19-02-2009, 12:23
.....runs to catch an escaped goat:D


19-02-2009, 12:27
raj what do you do to help yourself out, anxiety is a bollox. hope you get past it..battle with ones mind is the hardest battle you will ever fight.

i try to stay busy, i need to be doing something all the time. it is alot harder for example when i go shopping,i get a little twitchy and get hot/flustery. i see someone when im out that i know i get a little nervous. but put me in the same situation at home and you wouldnt really know anything is wrong with me. but it should be like this in all situations at home or not:)

its a weird illness:confused: i find i dont suffer at all when i go over to india:scratch: and i mean not 1 bit of anxiety or anything,im forever chatting to random villagers and generally having a good time outdoors etc. must be something in this british air :confused:

19-02-2009, 12:28
Damn raj...hope everything works out for you, be strong :)

defo mate defo:agree:

19-02-2009, 12:29
Move to india then?

19-02-2009, 12:33
Move to india then?

im thinking about it, but im also thinking getting a job there would be even harder than finding one here.
ill be better off working my a55 off here and making enough money to move over in the future. im actually in the process of drawing up plans for the foundations of a house im building out there:) i dont plan on building the house yet though.

19-02-2009, 12:34
Cool. Sounds good :)

19-02-2009, 12:39
Sweet Raj, well if u need any advice, drawings etc, Pm me as I work in a structural engineers office & produce drawings until they are coming out of my ears!!
Foundations are also my speciality :cool:

19-02-2009, 12:41
I'm also in engineering as a CAD tech., but I only really do flood defence drawings and stuff... But I'm pretty handy on CAD either ways if Misky needs to delegate some stuff (because he's crap on CAD) :p

19-02-2009, 12:41
Going great guns at the moment, Baby Yvie is 7 weeks old today and doing well :) we love her to bits! Summers coming and looking forward to the RTOC events this year :cool: Financialy stable just hope that the manufacturing industry survives this economic blip so I can carry on grafting!!

19-02-2009, 12:44
some stuff (because he's crap on CAD) :p[/quote]

Cheeky sod! :wasntme:
Either way... Its here if you need it! :agree:

19-02-2009, 12:46
thats good to know fellas:agree:

im by no means qualified in anything like that. all i have been asked to do is basically draw/measurements of how big each room wants to be/where i want the walls etc. ive just drawn up a birdseye map of how i want it so its not in 3d or anything like that.

19-02-2009, 12:59
Blimey Raj To think i was a bit miffed at losing out on the Solex;) it kinda puts all our little problems into perspective, i hope/am sure you'll get it all sorted.

19-02-2009, 13:05

Hope stuff works out for you Mike :agree:

Yeah cheers guys! I wrote that message this morning after waking up about three times in the middle of the night thinking I was having a nervous breakdown!! Reckon I have about a month left in the offices I rent then Im back to looking for a job! Oh well, thats life. Ill bounce back, just gotta hold on to the 5!

Oh and Raj...I kninda know how you feel about the anxiety thing. I have a similar problem. I havent been on a bus, taxi, underground, train, a plane in bout 6-7 years. I cant stand being in closed spaces with other people. I cant even sit in the back of a 3 door car, I have to be in the front! Or I freak out, like faint, throw up...basic stuff of panic attacks. Even in shopping centres I have to know where exits and toilets are in case I freak a bit. I f'in hate it cause every day i have to plan where and how im gonna get there. Thats why having my own office and company was ideal, routine was comfortable, now its all to sh1t. Just gotta stay focused and distracted, if it all happens fast enough maybe I wont have time to think about it and get anxious.

My mum lives in the states and my gf is trying to get me to build up the balls to finally fly over and see her, havent seen her in years. Im ashamed about that but it just makes the anxiety and pressure worse!!

Good luck to you though Raj Im sure you can apreciate how tuff it can be.

19-02-2009, 13:28
Yeah cheers guys! I wrote that message this morning after waking up about three times in the middle of the night thinking I was having a nervous breakdown!! Reckon I have about a month left in the offices I rent then Im back to looking for a job! Oh well, thats life. Ill bounce back, just gotta hold on to the 5!

Oh and Raj...I kninda know how you feel about the anxiety thing. I have a similar problem. I havent been on a bus, taxi, underground, train, a plane in bout 6-7 years. I cant stand being in closed spaces with other people. I cant even sit in the back of a 3 door car, I have to be in the front! Or I freak out, like faint, throw up...basic stuff of panic attacks. Even in shopping centres I have to know where exits and toilets are in case I freak a bit. I f'in hate it cause every day i have to plan where and how im gonna get there. Thats why having my own office and company was ideal, routine was comfortable, now its all to sh1t. Just gotta stay focused and distracted, if it all happens fast enough maybe I wont have time to think about it and get anxious.

My mum lives in the states and my gf is trying to get me to build up the balls to finally fly over and see her, havent seen her in years. Im ashamed about that but it just makes the anxiety and pressure worse!!

Good luck to you though Raj Im sure you can apreciate how tuff it can be.

i know exactly where your coming from mate, its a nasty feeling. i cant suggest anything as different methods work for different people. i can tell you that when i get over anxious,i sit back and think to myself...its just in your head,get up and fecking get on with it, nothings going to happen. seems to be helping my brain wake up and get back into the right gear. i think the key is,,dont think about things DEEPLY. that was my problem it still is.

Chris Hebden
19-02-2009, 13:34
WOW i thought i had a reason to be down in the dumps, seems a bit trivial now!

My vent has always been fixing or playing with cars. Lately i'm breaking more than i fix, which really bugs me! My 5's been off the road for 2weeks now (daily runner) due to a split flexi hose and everything breaking that i touched to remove it, borrowed by sis's car which is a Vauxhall Astra, managed to brake that, the cambelt tensioners given up the will to live, i dont have enough time to fix it so thats gone to a garage (for the first time ever i am going to pay a garage to work on a car that i know :cry:)

SOOOOO going to start playing ruggers again! Play with cars if i really have too or get a nice workshop/run around car, which i'm looking into as we speak!

Happy thursday everybody ;)

19-02-2009, 13:37
i know exactly where your coming from mate, its a nasty feeling. i cant suggest anything as different methods work for different people. i can tell you that when i get over anxious,i sit back and think to myself...its just in your head,get up and fecking get on with it, nothings going to happen. seems to be helping my brain wake up and get back into the right gear. i think the key is,,dont think about things DEEPLY. that was my problem it still is.

Yeah I know what you mean Raj, there is certain things Im getting better at, like when I have to visit a client, I use to stress about it for days or weeks before cause I know I would be going into an unfamiliar building and not know what to expect...its affected work before. But I am getting better for that. Just had a meeting today and it never crossd my mind (untill now lol). What everyone tells me is that if I 'programmed' myslef to think it, I can un-programme' myself. Funny thing is, Im a very confident person, you'd never know...unless you had to travel with me! Things will get better all round hopefully.

On the plus side, the sun is out today! :agree:

19-02-2009, 13:49
On the plus side, the sun is out today! :agree:

Not in manchester :crap::(

19-02-2009, 15:31
I'd like to add that this seems to be a great thread I have started....All who have given an insight your inputs are great.. I'm also glad that members can also be this friendly to each other great stuff i'm all for it ;) I'd like to say good luck to Raj your the man dude keep your head up and be strong and remember we are all here for ya well at least i'd like to think we all are :agree::agree:

Adam L
19-02-2009, 18:19
Sweet as, as usual. Although i'm running a business, but don't actually own it, so I don't quite get the paying benefits, which is gay. At least i've earnt trust...

The trusty Rover hasn't let me down, in a serious way, but it's dying a slow intense death...

Got a nice missus, for a change.

I suppose I could call myself ''financially stable'', it seems all the rave to do so now...

19-02-2009, 18:25
Life at the moment is proper pony, started smoking again, started to drink loads, broke the gearbag in the five, have a top end rattle, got no where to put the williams so I may have to scrap it, missed out on a mint r5 shell, lost my house where I live and more importantly the garage with it, put my back out and have to move out by this weekend, been off work for three weeks signed off with stress and depression and dont know if I will have a job to go back to and to top it all off split up with my long term girlfriend. My head is proper fcuked I know how Raj feels with the thinking too much, I cant sleep even with the tablets they have given me I only sleep when I pretty much pass out from the drink or tweed, oh and I have lost two stone in body weight.

Hows life treating me, mint:sad:

19-02-2009, 18:57
Im ok, decided to distance myself from most of the people I grew up with, and have been beasting it down the gym and doing martial arts twice a week for the past year or more, so Life was **** its improving now i'm away from the drink and d's, wouldn't mind winning the lottery though..

Sam M
19-02-2009, 19:09
i try to stay busy, i need to be doing something all the time. it is alot harder for example when i go shopping,i get a little twitchy and get hot/flustery. i see someone when im out that i know i get a little nervous. but put me in the same situation at home and you wouldnt really know anything is wrong with me. but it should be like this in all situations at home or not:)

its a weird illness:confused: i find i dont suffer at all when i go over to india:scratch: and i mean not 1 bit of anxiety or anything,im forever chatting to random villagers and generally having a good time outdoors etc. must be something in this british air :confused:

Its the doom and gloom that is alot of the British mate, more pesamists than optimists in this country, winds me up alot of the time. The media and news dont help.

Trust me, stay busy, really concentrate on positives in life, do more of what you enjoy, whether you think I really cant be arsed, just do it, it WILL get better, I know you love dogs, go out for walks more, dogs are the best!!!. Especially if youve had a crappy day they will always jump up and wag their tail with excitement at you no matter what.

I dont know if your into sports, or excersise, but anything like that will produce natural endorphines, a natrual high, and you will already feel better after smacking a squash ball around a court or whatever.

The more you stay in and think (deeply as you say) the more of a rutt you`ll get stuck in. I know its easy for someone to tell you this, but I have first hand experience as In 1999 I had an 50ft accident off a carpark due to having some mental issues for a couple of years, and basically smashed myself up badly, was put on antidepresents and all sorts of unessecary crap at the time which just delayed the problem and basically caused me too loose any will or strength I had inside me. The most ridiculous thing I could have ever done in my life and anyone that knows me now would think its ridiculous and stupid, altho I have come out of it incredibly strong minded, but at the time, it wasnt me when I look back. Im so against anti depressents because I feel they just delay a problem, although everyone is different, and chemical imbalances obviously need meds.

Altho the road to recovery was, see positives in anything I enjoy, force myself to do activities (was tricky for the first year as I couldnt walk unaided), got back into the car scene, after 5 years got another Renault 11 Turbo thinking id never have a fun car again, but ive got myself to a stage now where im really happy, got a great girlfriend, love life, love my car, busy with work, looking forward to getting a place with the mrs, and getting too big Golden Retrievers before even thinking about kids or marriage, hahaha, and basically dealing with anything and everything that gets thrown at me.

Trust me Raj, things do get better, but my advise is too keep busy as much as you can, get too meets if you can, take the dog out for long walks!!! Watch some good old school action films with Arny, as they are the best!!!:D but its great news on the Taxi driving, could be an excellent turning point, I wish you the best of luck with that.

Adam L
19-02-2009, 19:18
And from one of the nicest blokes i've ever met, that's some heart touching stuff, Sam:):D

19-02-2009, 19:22
Its the doom and gloom that is alot of the British mate, more pesamists than optimists in this country, winds me up alot of the time. The media and news dont help.

100% totally agree with that.

19-02-2009, 19:34
Its the doom and gloom that is alot of the British mate, more pesamists than optimists in this country, winds me up alot of the time. The media and news dont help.

Trust me, stay busy, really concentrate on positives in life, do more of what you enjoy, whether you think I really cant be arsed, just do it, it WILL get better, I know you love dogs, go out for walks more, dogs are the best!!!. Especially if youve had a crappy day they will always jump up and wag their tail with excitement at you no matter what.

I dont know if your into sports, or excersise, but anything like that will produce natural endorphines, a natrual high, and you will already feel better after smacking a squash ball around a court or whatever.

The more you stay in and think (deeply as you say) the more of a rutt you`ll get stuck in. I know its easy for someone to tell you this, but I have first hand experience as In 1999 I had an 50ft accident off a carpark due to having some mental issues for a couple of years, and basically smashed myself up badly, was put on antidepresents and all sorts of unessecary crap at the time which just delayed the problem and basically caused me too loose any will or strength I had inside me. The most ridiculous thing I could have ever done in my life and anyone that knows me now would think its ridiculous and stupid, altho I have come out of it incredibly strong minded, but at the time, it wasnt me when I look back. Im so against anti depressents because I feel they just delay a problem, although everyone is different, and chemical imbalances obviously need meds.

Altho the road to recovery was, see positives in anything I enjoy, force myself to do activities (was tricky for the first year as I couldnt walk unaided), got back into the car scene, after 5 years got another Renault 11 Turbo thinking id never have a fun car again, but ive got myself to a stage now where im really happy, got a great girlfriend, love life, love my car, busy with work, looking forward to getting a place with the mrs, and getting too big Golden Retrievers before even thinking about kids or marriage, hahaha, and basically dealing with anything and everything that gets thrown at me.

Trust me Raj, things do get better, but my advise is too keep busy as much as you can, get too meets if you can, take the dog out for long walks!!! Watch some good old school action films with Arny, as they are the best!!!:D but its great news on the Taxi driving, could be an excellent turning point, I wish you the best of luck with that.

thanks mate.
sounds like you driven from under the dark cloud now:) glad things are going sweet for you:agree:

im at the point where i know i need to get up and do something. its kind of worrying as i have been on medication for 3yrs but around 7months ago i stopped taking all my meds/ anti-deps / anti-anx. and for the past 2 to 3 months i found myself feeling better.maybe its the meds finally out of my system?who knows! before i would feel sluggish and not wanting to do anything whereas now im abit more awake if you like. i dont thing meds are the answer,well not for me anyway.

as for dogs:D:D:D man i lovvve them, i cant live without a dog. mines with me where ever i go. LOL i wake up in the mornings to always find he has squashed his face between my neck and pillow and is snorring his head off lol:D dogs definately keep my happy:agree: he made chris hebden his b1tch when he came round:laugh: :wasntme:

19-02-2009, 19:38
Sammy, I just wanna give you a big hug :agree: (that's a hand, but imagine 2 of them around your back, then it's a hug lol)

It's a great story of how someone sitting at rock bottom, can turn things right around and be happy. If people didn't know your story Sam, then nobody would have any idea of the pain that you have gone through and dealt with.

19-02-2009, 20:19
****... i split from my missis and well again im on my tod feeling like a big fat waste of space.

at least this one didnt go off with another man and get preggers then try saying its mine....

and she wonders why im slightly paranoid...:sad::cry:

19-02-2009, 20:19
And what hurts is when all her stuff is gone... it feels so empty

19-02-2009, 20:44
Awww, I was in that place 9 months ago, things do get better, I promise :)

Kris M
19-02-2009, 20:59
Good mates help alot ;)

19-02-2009, 21:03
They do indeed Kris, and bowling sessions are good too :D

Tiny Tim
19-02-2009, 21:04
God made my life complete. :)

Kris M
19-02-2009, 21:10
Man its all about the bowling...sorts anything out ;)

19-02-2009, 21:12
Its amazing what a chat does lol

My previous missus was a complete bitch. I just wasn't 'me' lol

My current, hopefully, probable wife...is the best 'thing' thats ever happened to me lol

Shes a terrible influence...loves me, cuddles me, fights with me, generally an all round super woman !!

She even funds my car habits...forcing me at the moment to buy a megane of the renaultsport variety...what should i do ?!! :laugh:

19-02-2009, 21:14
Man its all about the bowling...sorts anything out ;)

You need a woman to sort you out bruvva...:cooter:...:hump:...:laugh:

Penfold aka The Dealer
19-02-2009, 21:17
She even funds my car habits...forcing me at the moment to buy a megane of the renaultsport variety...what should i do ?!! :laugh:

Tell her you need to buy a certian sexy white 5...

19-02-2009, 21:20
Tell her you need to buy a certian sexy white 5...

My Dads paying for that :laugh:...MINE MINE MINE!

19-02-2009, 21:23
its good...then it went bad..now its back to good
again,for how long who knows! :laugh::smokin:

back to bad again.

19-02-2009, 23:25
And what hurts is when all her stuff is gone... it feels so empty

I know how that feels I have been living here for the past 3 weeks on my own, it feels so **** with her and all her stuff gone. All my mates keep saying just go out and get another one but when I go out im not intrested in chatting or anything else with other women.

20-02-2009, 01:19
tell ya wot makes the world go around. it aint money... ITS FRENDS ♥
some touching stuff there guys :)