View Full Version : refurb - door cards

29-01-2009, 14:27
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

Guys im right in thinking phase 1 door cards are plastic and are easier to refurb than my phase 2 cardboard jobbies?
If so im looking to refurb them myself , need a few tips on what material to use and best way to attack things so im not running blind.
Also some s1 doorcards would be nice if any one has some for sale.

Thanks in advance.

29-01-2009, 16:24
You need to find most elastic material as possible. It will be very tricky to do everything in one part because of the arm rest. My suggestion is to fill lines around speaker cover to avoid bad shapes when putting the glue on. I would use glue in spray and do it slowly from edge to edge and not whole card at once.

30-01-2009, 08:03
Anyone got a mum or a gran thats good at sewing ???!!
It would be an idea to get a pattern drawn up for recovering the cards hmmm?

Or has someone got somethin like this already ?? :smokin:

30-01-2009, 08:09

hope this helps mate
took the company about 1 week to do and as u say...they had to make templates for the material then sew them together

30-01-2009, 11:48
that does actually look quite awesome! -nice stitchwork!

30-01-2009, 11:58

hope this helps mate
took the company about 1 week to do and as u say...they had to make templates for the material then sew them together

how much you pay for that mate?

and what company? :D

30-01-2009, 12:29
transcal in glasgow
500 quid the pair

ouch on the wallet but look awesomeeeeeeeeee

30-01-2009, 15:18
Mine is not that good but still OK.