View Full Version : indicator flashing unit relay?

26-01-2009, 00:23
hi probly a stupid question but hopefully some 1 can help lol.
although havibg had 17 gtts before ive never had this go before.
well any way the indicator flashing unit relay has gone.
ive took it out do i have to order a new 1 from renault or will any 4 pin relay with the pins in the same order fit?.
thanx in advance

TNT Tricky Nicky
26-01-2009, 19:01
I would have thought it was car specific only because I saw a flasher relay that you can set to what ever pattern you want near enough but had to specify make and model

26-01-2009, 19:17
most renault ones will probably fit to be honest .
get a picture up

markey b
26-01-2009, 20:41
i've had one burn out before whilst sitting with the hazards on... smoke from pass side of dash very scary! lol

27-01-2009, 00:29
got this sorted thanx every 1 it turned out not to be the relay :D