View Full Version : Looking at making 5 into rally car? any thoughts?

12-05-2015, 12:15
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

Hi iv been off the forum for a while, currently come to a point at what to do with my 5, car is kinda in middle of being original and modified , my original idea was taking it back to standard but currently having ideas of turning it into a 80s looking rally car, or tarmac, any thoughts or anyone who has done something similar like to hear :)

Mr Raider
12-05-2015, 23:08
Depends how you see it/use it as its your car. OE+ is probably the way to go with values increasing, most parts unbolt so can take mods off and re-fit oe to keep options open. ;)

13-05-2015, 08:44
I'm not in this for the value it's for the fun for me.. All my oe ness has come out and cage is going in carpets outs everything then time for some track fun.. I think you will always have both markets if you wanted to sell. You do what you want perhaps I should of kept all iv taken out but I have to fiancé the rust repair and part renewal with something.. Needs must enjoy your 5 :)

13-05-2015, 09:23
Or get one of each, an OE one and a toy :burnrubber:

13-05-2015, 13:53
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

The raider I've got I've had for year and a half and iv gone past the idea of having it as a investment as it's not completely OE, anyone know some places who can turn into a track day car, looking at making it into something period 80s look about it

13-05-2015, 15:12
Most you can do yourself, change of suspension, rolls cage, different wheels, bucket seats / harnesses, then guess spray job / sticker set depending on how much you want to go. Then just go from there, polycarbonate windows, any engine work, simplify it as much as possible.

You have Mark Fish who is in Harlow who could do most of this for you but no idea on costs involved but not going to be cheap.

13-05-2015, 17:10
Have a look at leloby on here. Guy did the same thing not so long ago. Mostly by himself his car looks nice.

16-05-2015, 22:43
This has been done by a few in the club, but Alastair's is a great write up.


Lots of good info about what work and reasons for changes.