View Full Version : Mechanic recommendation in Hull/East Yorks?

12-02-2015, 22:26
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

Would anyone be able to recommend a good mechanic, ideally with some knowledge of the GTT in Hull or anywhere within a reasonable distance.

I have a growing list of jobs that need doing to my 5 - not least of which a decent setup - and have had a few issues recently with numpties not knowing what they're doing!


13-02-2015, 10:32
Welcome back to the club Nobz.

I can't recommend any garages in your area I'm afraid but I do know it's been a long time since regular garages knew what they were doing with GTTs. Nowadays you have a three choices;

- DIY. Not a bad option when there is so much help here and information from previous fixes/projects and site articles.

- Ask one of the members here who are known to be good eggs work on your car for you. Sparkie (Brum), Markey Mark (Hemel) for example.

- Do the travelling to take your car to one of the few remaining experts like Scoff who run a proper business.

Whatever you do, don't take it to a normal garage.

What is the list of jobs?

15-02-2015, 01:20
Haz would be good for the sort of thing. Welcome back to the club. He is in liverpool at the end of the m62. Would be a nice run if your 5 is drivable.:)

15-02-2015, 15:31
Forgot Haz :D :agree:

15-02-2015, 21:09
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

Welcome back to the club Nobz.

I can't recommend any garages in your area I'm afraid but I do know it's been a long time since regular garages knew what they were doing with GTTs. Nowadays you have a three choices;

- DIY. Not a bad option when there is so much help here and information from previous fixes/projects and site articles.

- Ask one of the members here who are known to be good eggs work on your car for you. Sparkie (Brum), Markey Mark (Hemel) for example.

- Do the travelling to take your car to one of the few remaining experts like Scoff who run a proper business.

Whatever you do, don't take it to a normal garage.

What is the list of jobs?

Cheers guys.

Trev, from your list we can discount the first option - beyond the very I prefer to leave it to someone who knows what they're doing! ;)

Either of the last two sounds good though, I'm hoping there must be someone somewhere in Yorkshire.

Up until today the list was just getting the car setup properly in terms of fueling etc, it's not feeling as quick as it should so something's not right.

After taking it out for a quick run today I now appear to have oil escaping somewhere as when I stopped and checked everything over it was everywhere under the bonnet. With that in mind I don't think a trip to Liverpool would be a good idea at the moment.

Other that that 'minor' problem my drivers side door currently won't close, won't latch and is just bouncing back. I've had this before on the other side but some WD and some grease solved the issue but neither worked this time.

I suspect this will be a common issue if anyone wants to point me in the right direction...

Mr Raider
15-02-2015, 21:34
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

Cheers guys.

Trev, from your list we can discount the first option - beyond the very I prefer to leave it to someone who knows what they're doing! ;)

Either of the last two sounds good though, I'm hoping there must be someone somewhere in Yorkshire.

Up until today the list was just getting the car setup properly in terms of fueling etc, it's not feeling as quick as it should so something's not right.

After taking it out for a quick run today I now appear to have oil escaping somewhere as when I stopped and checked everything over it was everywhere under the bonnet. With that in mind I don't think a trip to Liverpool would be a good idea at the moment.

Other that that 'minor' problem my drivers side door currently won't close, won't latch and is just bouncing back. I've had this before on the other side but some WD and some grease solved the issue but neither worked this time.

I suspect this will be a common issue if anyone wants to point me in the right direction...

Ok a few things to check that may help,

Do you know when the carb was last re-built/set up? could be an issue with accelerator pump possibly.

If its getting oily, would check oil filler cap is secure and sealing on rocker cover, also could have spat oil out of the breather system.

Sounds like the door is not aligned with the 'striker' in the door shut itself, does the door move up & down on the hinges? could have dropped and pins in hinges require replacement, or the door mechanism in the end of the door could be siezed. If it is seized best thing to do is strip it out of the inside of the door, remove solenoid/rods and soak overnight in an icecream tub of diesel, toothbrush to remove any last bits of muck then re-grease and re-fit. :)

16-02-2015, 11:08
Hi Nobz.

Ok, I'd say revert to the suggestion that B18ftMOJO5 made and speak to your area rep/s then.

See this thread.

Yorkshire and Humberside fall in the 'North East' area rep region. Your three area reps are:

Brigsy - no longer at the club??
Karlos - http://www.rtoc.org/boards/member.php?u=152
johnp - http://www.rtoc.org/boards/member.php?u=4989

'PM' Karlos and John to see if they know anyone in your area who is suitable.

If this is no good and you can't take the car to Liverpool to see Haz, then maybe the only way will be to pay someone to come to you.

16-02-2015, 22:30
Hi buddy, welcome to the club :agree: if you can get it over to Leeds/Barnsley I don't mind having a look over it for you

19-02-2015, 20:32
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

Ok a few things to check that may help,

Do you know when the carb was last re-built/set up? could be an issue with accelerator pump possibly.

If its getting oily, would check oil filler cap is secure and sealing on rocker cover, also could have spat oil out of the breather system.

Sounds like the door is not aligned with the 'striker' in the door shut itself, does the door move up & down on the hinges? could have dropped and pins in hinges require replacement, or the door mechanism in the end of the door could be siezed. If it is seized best thing to do is strip it out of the inside of the door, remove solenoid/rods and soak overnight in an icecream tub of diesel, toothbrush to remove any last bits of muck then re-grease and re-fit. :)


The carb was last setup probably 7/8 years ago now I think about it so it's well overdue.

I'll check over the engine bay over the weekend see if there's anything obvious like a loose/leaking filler cap, I'll run the engine as well with he bonnet up to try to get an idea where it's coming from. By the time I got back in last week I'd lost light so could see (and smell) there was oil but that was about it.

The door dropping was the first thing I looked at as I know it's a common one but there's no up and down movement at all. I'm sure i'm using the wrong terminology but it seems to be more that the latch in the door wasn't latching around the bar - if that makes sense. I tried the latch with a screw driver and it did latch onto itself then release when the handle was pulled but it seemed to be hard work

I'll see if I can get the solenoid etc out and soak then as suggested see if this does any good - I'm imaging that my chance of getting replacement parts if next to bugger all now?

Going to sort this problem first otherwise I'll have to drive it to someone one handed while I hold the door closed...

19-02-2015, 20:34
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

Hi buddy, welcome to the club :agree: if you can get it over to Leeds/Barnsley I don't mind having a look over it for you

Cheers Lee, I appreciate the offer, Leeds/Barnsley is more than doable (once i get the door issue sorted)...

What's best for you? A weekend i assume?

Mr Raider
19-02-2015, 22:03
New poster! (less than 10 posts)


The carb was last setup probably 7/8 years ago now I think about it so it's well overdue.

I'll check over the engine bay over the weekend see if there's anything obvious like a loose/leaking filler cap, I'll run the engine as well with he bonnet up to try to get an idea where it's coming from. By the time I got back in last week I'd lost light so could see (and smell) there was oil but that was about it.

The door dropping was the first thing I looked at as I know it's a common one but there's no up and down movement at all. I'm sure i'm using the wrong terminology but it seems to be more that the latch in the door wasn't latching around the bar - if that makes sense. I tried the latch with a screw driver and it did latch onto itself then release when the handle was pulled but it seemed to be hard work

I'll see if I can get the solenoid etc out and soak then as suggested see if this does any good - I'm imaging that my chance of getting replacement parts if next to bugger all now?

Going to sort this problem first otherwise I'll have to drive it to someone one handed while I hold the door closed...

If the handle seemed hard work then the mechanism is partially seized, the grease attracts muck and ends up a sticky siezed mess. If you carefully remove mechanism & all rods & solenoid and soak mechanism, there's a good chance all you may need is a replacement solenoid and that would probably be all.

Carb re-build kit is available from club shop. :)

15-03-2015, 20:10
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

Ok a few things to check that may help,

Do you know when the carb was last re-built/set up? could be an issue with accelerator pump possibly.

If its getting oily, would check oil filler cap is secure and sealing on rocker cover, also could have spat oil out of the breather system.

Sounds like the door is not aligned with the 'striker' in the door shut itself, does the door move up & down on the hinges? could have dropped and pins in hinges require replacement, or the door mechanism in the end of the door could be siezed. If it is seized best thing to do is strip it out of the inside of the door, remove solenoid/rods and soak overnight in an icecream tub of diesel, toothbrush to remove any last bits of muck then re-grease and re-fit. :)

Finally found some time this weekend and thanks to Mr Raider's advice managed to sort out the door catch issue so I can now actually close my drivers door which helps. Did both doors just to be sure.

Also think I've found the source of the oil issue as well...possibly at least...having run the car I realised the dipstick was out of place and it seemed feasible this was where the oil had come from. Or possibly i'm just being a muppet but having put it back in place and taken the car for a run there was no more oil showing.

Saying that though there seems to be a bigger issue having parked up and opened the bonnet I now have smoke, or more specifically steam, coming from the main block. Or that's how it seemed, I've no idea if that's feasible or not but I couldn't see anything obvious like a loose water hose.

No water in the oil filler cap and no signs of oil in the header tank. Any ideas?

Car was running fine prior to this, no overheating or anything similar. Just don't want to run it even more in fear of making it worse...

Mr Raider
15-03-2015, 22:04
Glad you sorted the door catches out fella.

The oil dipstick should be a snug (ish) fit in the tube as they have been known to pop out due to pressure under load. Does it appear a good fit or abit loose? If you think its secure then thats fine, or maybe worth buying a new dipstick as mine was not secure.

This smoke/steam under the bonnet, could it have been damp/condensation on the block or any loss of coolant? Would check all hoses/clips for security or leaks, maybe worth pressurising the coolant system just to be sure. No oil in header tank or mayo in oil cap is a good sign. :)

16-03-2015, 10:18
Good on your for having a go at some of this stuff yourself :agree:

Is the steam coming from the front, back, left or right side as you look at it from the front of the car?

07-04-2015, 21:19
Good on your for having a go at some of this stuff yourself :agree:

Is the steam coming from the front, back, left or right side as you look at it from the front of the car?

Can't tell unfortunately, it's just generally around the head of the engine - must be coming from underneath somewhere but I can't see anything - would need to take it somewhere to jack it up and check underneath.

Annoyingly I've just realised my MOT is due as well now so need to get that sorted.

Just looking at the contacts page on here, does anyone have any experience with KP Motorsport in Driffield, North Yorkshire as they're only 30 mins or so from me. I'm assuming if they've bothered advertising on here they must have a clue at least...