View Full Version : another cooling issue

22-01-2009, 15:41
been trying to sort this all ruddy morning, replaced all switches and sensors for new ones.

1st of all would be nice to have a working temp gauge. [ i let the car warm up & get hot until the red light comes on, on the temp gauge but the gauge dont move.]

2nd of all, im in the same position as raj but i dont have a gauge to work to. ive been able to do the wiring mod but the fan doesnt kick in inless i bridge the sensor. surely this cant be right for the 2 sesnors ive tried.

3rd of all, what should the water return be like in the head tank. mine dribbles in on tick over

any help will be a start

Tiny Tim
22-01-2009, 15:46
A) Try switching the wires round (presuming you have the two pin connector)

B) If A) doesnt help you'll need to test the sensor.

C) It shouldnt pour, but shouldnt 'trickle' either... sort of inbetween.

22-01-2009, 16:08
:homer:doh. i never ruddy thought of swapping the wires. im gonna be testing the sensors at work tonight

22-01-2009, 17:22
although its been decribed on how to do this re-wiring in my thread i still dont understand what this re-wiring will actually do as opposed to the std wiring setup..??

im still yet to do thi re-wiring, i think ill fix up the wires to see if the rad fan kicks in. but what if it doesnt.?? new fan switch i take it?