View Full Version : No turbo and sounds like a bag of crap.

07-07-2014, 19:27
Posted this onfacebook, but posting here too in case anyone not seen facebook post.

Right, just drove to Lincoln and back, lovely drive till I get about 5 miles from home, no turbo whatsoever, can hear it spoiling up but nowt on boost gauge and you certainly can't feel it, and car now sounding like an absolute bag of spammers, that will teach me for being nice and cleaning it yesterday.


07-07-2014, 19:55
boost leak most probably. have you checked all hoses and jubilee clips. ?

07-07-2014, 20:25
Honking down since I got home so not checked anything other than a very quick visual, also bit worried is sounds like a bag of crap too.

07-07-2014, 20:42
im a novice so im probably wrong but one of my boost pipes had come off and had the same symptoms also sounded rough. hope it something as simple as that. im sure someone more clued up will point you in the right direction fault finding wise.

07-07-2014, 21:54
Mine did this the other week. The boost hose had popped off the lobster elbow.