View Full Version : Juddering

29-06-2014, 20:31
Hi guys
Since last nite my 5 has developed a juddering through the steering wheel every time I let of the throttle, any ideas? It hasn't effected the steering itself

Thanks in advance

29-06-2014, 20:42
Knackered rear engine mount???

29-06-2014, 21:16
Is that an easy fix? Is there n e other way of telling?

30-06-2014, 10:31
Is it a repetitive judder (bang-bang-bang-bang), or more of a single knock/bang?

If it's the latter, it very likely to be one of the engine mounts as Jonny says, probably the rear mount. If you want to test it, you go off and on the throttle and it bangs once each time, you can just sense the engine is moving back/forth. Not expensive or particularly tricky to replace

If it's not the above, give us some more detail.

30-06-2014, 11:28
It's not really a bang it just sort of Judders wen I let off the throttle at any speed? Don't really know how else to explain it! I'm gona try and take it out later and see if there's any pattern to it! Thanks for all ur help so far chaps.

30-06-2014, 14:08
Try and work out whether it feels like it's a mechaniclal suspension/bushes/mounting/drive-train type thing, or whether it's an engine/fuel/ignition type problem.