View Full Version : nelson

michael tierney
05-12-2013, 22:18
R.i.p. Nelson:(

05-12-2013, 22:20
The dude from the Simpsons, no way :cry:

michael tierney
05-12-2013, 22:22

05-12-2013, 22:31
I used to love "one word weather with Nelson Mandela" :(

dangerous dave
05-12-2013, 22:38
he wasn't a good man, not before he did a deal to get free..

05-12-2013, 22:52
he wasn't a good man, not before he did a deal to get free..

Some of the stuff he got up to was out of control, people forget he was a terrorist!!!!!!!

Penfold aka The Dealer
05-12-2013, 23:02
Some of the stuff he got up to was out of control, people forget he was a terrorist!!!!!!!

One mans terrorist is one mans freedom fighter....

Overall he did great things for South Africa.... He will be remembered for that....

Aged 95... Hardly unexpected his death....

And have you noticed nothing about floods/storms on the news now

05-12-2013, 23:03
He did a lot of good too, brought people together. Not all bad

dangerous dave
05-12-2013, 23:34
if hes a good man, so is jimmy savile.. same thing..

06-12-2013, 00:09
One mans terrorist is one mans freedom fighter....

Overall he did great things for South Africa.... He will be remembered for that....

Aged 95... Hardly unexpected his death....

And have you noticed nothing about floods/storms on the news now

He did not get banged up for tickling people, he was the head of the anc terrorist wing, blowing **** up and killing innocent women and children.

06-12-2013, 06:33
if hes a good man, so is jimmy savile.. same thing..

Nelson Mandella, Jimmy Saville the same. How come I never thought of that.

Slammed 66
06-12-2013, 07:11
Some of my favourites:




And the best one:


Penfold aka The Dealer
06-12-2013, 07:25
He did not get banged up for tickling people, he was the head of the anc terrorist wing, blowing **** up and killing innocent women and children.

Well now it's upto the big man upstairs to decide where he goes....

If you believe in that sort of thing.

06-12-2013, 10:13
If God only took the righteous, heaven would be empty.

06-12-2013, 10:56
R.i.p. Nelson:(

The bloke was a murderer and a terrorist.There will be no r.i.p for him.:disagree:

06-12-2013, 11:25
The bloke was a murderer and a terrorist.There will be no r.i.p for him.:disagree:

if Arnie likes him, then he gets my seal of approval :cool:

06-12-2013, 13:23
History is written by the victors.

Nelson Mandela was the head of UmKhonto we Sizwe, (MK), the terrorist wing of the ANC and South African Communist Party. At his trial, he had pleaded guilty to 156 acts of public violence including mobilising terrorist bombing campaigns, which planted bombs in public places, including the Johannesburg railway station. Many innocent people, including women and children, were killed by Nelson Mandela’s MK terrorists. Tellingly, not only did Mandela refuse to renounce violence, Amnesty refused to take his case stating "the movement recorded that it could not give the name of ‘Prisoner of Conscience’ to anyone associated with violence, even though as in ‘conventional warfare’ a degree of restraint may be exercised.”
As President he bought a lot of military hardware...and when I say a lot I mean billions of $ worth.
He was supportive of Gaddafi and Suharto, and took considerable sums of money from them.
The apartheid regime was a crime against humanity. It is tempting to simplify the subject by declaring that all who opposed it were wholly and unswervingly good. Its important to remember that Mandela has been the first to hold his hands up to his shortcomings and mistakes. Thel tragedy is that too many in the West can’t bring themselves to see what the man himself has said all along... that he’s just as flawed as the rest of us, and should not be put on a pedestal.

Take from that what you will....

....saying that you could also class Luke Skywalker as a terrorist....but would you?