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View Full Version : Searching for a R5 Gordini Turbo

27-11-2013, 13:13
First post!

Hi all. I'm new to the forum. I used to own a R5 Gordini Turbo BPH965Y and I would like to know if it it still exists, or even better does the owner want to sell it.

They were never very common and it seems they are now virtually extinct; I've not been able to find a single one for sale. Does anyone know what the official UK import figures were for this car and what the estimated survival rate is?

30-11-2013, 23:47
you really need to speak to Phildini. He knows people who know people,

01-12-2013, 08:23
According to howmanyleft.co.uk there are currently only 4 licensed and 9 sorn in the UK.

01-12-2013, 20:40
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

Thanks. So hardly any left then. Who is Phildini and how can I contact him?

Adey aka Ewok
01-12-2013, 20:52
hes on the forum r5gordini.co.uk, its a slow site and people take an age to reply but give it a shot. i think there's a few more about than how many left suggests. i know of 2 le car 2 turbos (last of the line gordini turbos) though i think mine is the only one on the road at the moment. theres also a register on that site that shows known cars




Adey aka Ewok
01-12-2013, 20:56
heres the car your looking for http://www.r5gordini.co.uk/mediawiki/BPH965Y

02-12-2013, 13:02
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

Thanks Adey. I have left a message on the R5Gordini.co.uk site but no replies yet. The entry for my old car on their register is what I put up myself last week in the hope it would stir up some interest and some more recent history. The DVLA vehicle check says it's tax liability is only from Nov 2012 so I guess it was either taxed or sorned until quite recently. I'll keep looking and waiting, as you say I'm sure their are more out there somewhere.

Adey aka Ewok
02-12-2013, 14:40
looks to me like it was neither taxed or sorned, shame that the dvla doesnt show scrapped.