View Full Version : Can you adjust the clutch

20-11-2013, 18:34
Is it possible to adjust my clutch? you have to press the clutch hard into the carpet more or less to engage first without crunching can you bring the pedal further up? or is my clutch on its last legs?:confused:

not very mechanically minded new 5 owner

20-11-2013, 19:08
it sounds like your clutch cable has stretched mate

20-11-2013, 19:10
sounds about right. The bloody accelerator cables done the same. Are these easy fixes? bearing in mind I can just about change a wheel :)

20-11-2013, 19:16
fairly simple if your not fat like me! its just running cable and sheeth, you should pick up a haynes manual, very handy for stuff like this and for inexperinced people :coffee:

20-11-2013, 19:22
lol. ive got a haynes manual but I think mines written in chinese :ashamed::confused:

20-11-2013, 19:50
Gonna have to ask my best mate nicely if he`ll do it for me. He`s my mechanic and break down cover too :)

21-11-2013, 09:55
It might also be the pedal adjustment ratchet mechanism. Either that it needs adjusting or replacing??

21-11-2013, 10:16
I`ll get my mate to have a look at the weekend i`ll end up breaking something :mad: I might be gonna see shaun from leeds at the weekend he`s got a 5 and seems pretty clued up i might see if he`ll have a quick butchers at it and see it is a quick simple fix or if it needs open heart surgery i`ll just pay some one to replace them both.

21-11-2013, 10:27
It might also be the pedal adjustment ratchet mechanism. Either that it needs adjusting or replacing??

:agree: Worth resetting the pedal quadrant (with the stopper block removed), then refit the stopper & see how the pedal feels then.

21-11-2013, 10:36
:confused: that went straight over my head lol but i`ll make a note of the things you guys have said and let whoever kindly does it for me know. Cheers for your help :)