View Full Version : Puddle in footwell

05-11-2013, 12:33
I'm having sills welded so I've removed the carpet in preparation and found a decent size puddle of water in the drivers footwell.
I removed the sponge thing (sound deadening I think) which goes around the gear stick and sits in the front of each footwell and it was dripping. The part (of the same stuff) that it connects to is also drenched so it looks like the dash needs removing to take that out too.
The car hasn't been driven for months but has been sat outside so I'm thinking it must be a seal or something as it would let that much water in from holes in the floor would it?
I'm a bit concerned how much it's creeped up that sponge stuff towards the dash which makes me think it might be the windscreen seal or the bonnets not sealing and it's creeping in through the bulkhead somehow.
Anyone had similar experience?
If it was the sunroof I'd expect a wet seat which I haven't got.
Also worth mentioning the carpet wasn't wet to touch but underneath it was a big puddle.
I'm scratching my head here...

05-11-2013, 12:36
Unfortunately sounds like heater matrix to me mate I had the same thing on mine.

05-11-2013, 13:07
Its been raining a lot. Mine was due to open holes in the bulkhead without bungs in place. Also had rust around the scuttle that did not help.

05-11-2013, 13:12
Could be heater matrix, does it smell like antifreeze?
If not it could still be your sunroof. I had the same issue, I used to find a puddle in front and behind the drivers seat. I removed the sunroof, cleaned the seal and around it, also cleaned out the drain holes as the water was backing up and just sitting around the sunroof and leaking inside. I think that's it, did it so long ago!

05-11-2013, 13:25
check your coolant level first of all and hopefull rule the heater matrix out,

05-11-2013, 15:41
I'm going to rip the dash out and let you know what I find.
Thanks for the matrix heads up, it's something I hadn't thought of.

09-11-2013, 21:30
Could be somewhere in the bulkhead for a number of reasons.

Is the plastic cover fitted around the bonnet release catch? If not, rain will fall straight through the fan hole.

Is there any leaves blocking the drain holes at each end of the bulkhead? If so, the water can build up and seep through grommets for cables and loom.

09-11-2013, 21:57
Could be the windscreen not sealed correctly - I had exactly the same on my white GT and checked everything until I finally twigged the windscreen was not sealed correctly. The water was trapping in the base and dribbling down behind the dash. Nice reason to have a new genuine renault windscreen fitted :)

michael tierney
09-11-2013, 22:14
:(probably your door cards.............very hard things to seal correctly