View Full Version : 1987 Part II

27-10-2013, 20:26
I was only 7 when the last big storm hit the South East. I crapped my pants as I sat on the sofa with my mum. It was a really nice time to be honest, there was no power and my mum boiled a saucepan of water on the stove under candle light to make me and my sister a nice cup of tea at 3am.

There was a real sense of community back then, all the dads were out pulling together to help each other get things tied down. Now I'm the dad so if its as bad as they are leading us to believe I will be seeing this storm through different eyes and I will know what my kids will be feeling.

I'm going to wait up for it and go outside as long as things are not flying about!

The new Bill J
27-10-2013, 20:40
Is it really going to be as bad as what people are suggesting? Ever since the Michael Fish 'fiasco' in 1987 weather forecasters have always been a little bit cautious.

I hope it is big, and it totally batters us (without any injures, or damage to property :laugh: ) as I LOVE extreme weather. Work will be fun as well, as I drive a van around woodland on the highest point in SE England :D

I've been keeping an eye on its progress today on this page:


Rumor has it they're pretty accurate :scared:

If it does hit big, stay safe!

The new Bill J
27-10-2013, 20:49

Legend :D

27-10-2013, 20:50

Legend :D

Hahahaha bad fish

fat roofer
27-10-2013, 20:51
I too was 7 when the last one hit and also will be looking at it through different eyes!! $$$$ :D obviously as long as nobody is harmed!

Penfold aka The Dealer
27-10-2013, 20:53
Weather ain't to bad ATM, abit blowy out... Currently working evening and over night in the Doctor car... Still hasn't slowed me down doing "green light runs".

Hopefully it won't be that bad, but if it turns crappy.... Keep safe people ;)

27-10-2013, 20:56
I'd love to be a weatherman, its the only job you can get wrong all the time and still get paid.

The new Bill J
27-10-2013, 20:57
Weather ain't to bad ATM, abit blowy out...

That might be because it's not here yet :cartman: :laugh:

The new Bill J
27-10-2013, 20:58
I'd love to be a weatherman, its the only job you can get wrong all the time and still get paid.


27-10-2013, 21:01
Fish was technically correct though, it was not a hurricane just hurricane strength wind.

Penfold aka The Dealer
27-10-2013, 21:02
That might be because it's not here yet :cartman: :laugh:

I want to change your name to sarcastic billy ;)

27-10-2013, 21:03
Weather ain't to bad ATM, abit blowy out... Currently working evening and over night in the Doctor car... Still hasn't slowed me down doing "green light runs".

Hopefully it won't be that bad, but if it turns crappy.... Keep safe people ;)

If you get a call out tonight regarding a roof tile being stuck in some idiots skull... It will be me!

Penfold aka The Dealer
27-10-2013, 21:05
If you get a call out tonight regarding a roof tile being stuck in some idiots skull... It will be me!

I hope it's not bad over your way Rob... I am in the process on buying a house just up the road from you.... ;)

The new Bill J
27-10-2013, 21:05
Fish was technically correct though, it was not a hurricane just hurricane strength wind.

If you want to get technical it was a Cyclone :D

Shoppers - When have I ever been sarcastic? :laugh:

fat roofer
27-10-2013, 21:12
If you get a call out tonight regarding a roof tile being stuck in some idiots skull... It will be me!

Lol if it does happen then give me a shout! :D

27-10-2013, 22:41
I get my weather predictions/forecasts from the farmer where the workshop is. He's not got it wrong yet bless him, he is in his 80's.

We talked today about the 1987 storm, said he lost around 2000 apple trees, when I asked him if they were uprooted/salvageable, his reply was priceless.....
'nah mate, we never found all of them, I do know they went that way (points to a large oak tree on the horizon about 1/4 mile away) 'cos about ten of them were stuck up the top of that tree there....':laugh:

27-10-2013, 22:52
Apparently, storm "St Jude" will be upgraded to storm "Hey Jude" if it goes on and on for about 17 choruses.

27-10-2013, 22:53
I hope it's not bad over your way Rob... I am in the process on buying a house just up the road from you.... ;)

You may get it a bit cheaper after tonight!!

fat roofer
27-10-2013, 23:54
You may get it a bit cheaper after tonight!!

And it may not be just up the road anymore!!! :laugh:

28-10-2013, 07:53
Apparently, storm "St Jude" will be upgraded to storm "Hey Jude" if it goes on and on for about 17 choruses.

Taxi for Mart! :wasntme:

The weather is fine here on the Wirral (coastal) Perhaps a little choppy but nothing out of the ordinary.

28-10-2013, 07:59
As aways the sequel is nothing like the original, my bins are still where I left them!

The new Bill J
28-10-2013, 15:58

That wasn't even comparable to the 1991 (or whenever it was) 'storm', let alone 1987. Thanks forecasters for getting me all excited :cry:


28-10-2013, 18:18

That wasn't even comparable to the 1991 (or whenever it was) 'storm', let alone 1987. Thanks forecasters for getting me all excited :cry:

