View Full Version : Kids in bucket seats

23-09-2013, 13:22
How old/tall were your kids before you took them out in your car (in bucket seats)?

Just trying to gather how irresponsible i am about contemplating taking my boy out (110cm/4.5 years old). I reckon he's a little too short at the moment, but pretty sure could brace him in pretty tightly with a multipoint harness. Might have to wait another couple of years. :)

The eagle-eyed of you will notice that 4.5 years is about the length of time i've been away from RTOC. Coincidence... I think not. :D

23-09-2013, 13:35
I have a 4 1/2 year old son, and I managed to fit his car seat into my bucket seats and strapped him in with my harnesses ok. And he loved it:D doubt I'll have the car by the time my 21 month is big enough though :sad2:

Adey aka Ewok
23-09-2013, 16:37
no buckets in mine but my daughter whos 4 in just over a week keeps asking to go out in my "old" car lol.

23-09-2013, 16:39
no buckets in mine but my daughter whos 4 in just over a week keeps asking to go out in my "old" car lol.

Same here. My son wants to go out in Daddy's race car :D
He loves sitting in it and pretending to drive.