View Full Version : Love for the 5

14-07-2013, 20:17
Out in the 5 today as went down to Mark's for some setting up (thanks m8) and the 5 got loads of love from everyone on the roads like I have never had before. Had an integra type r giving me the thumbs up, a LHD bmw with a passenger leaning over the driver to take a pic as it overtook me on the dual carridgeway, and someone talking to me when I stopped at a shop and thumbs up from another bmw which stopped next to me in traffic.
Nice to see a real positive vibe on the roads for these cars!

14-07-2013, 20:34
Yep I`ve had a few lately and that's living in the sticks. I got pulled over in one of those spot check road side things on the dual carriageway on Friday night all the traffic plod came over and thought the old girl was great asking about it as they hadn't seen one for years never checked anything on the car mind..;)

Big Supes
14-07-2013, 23:00
That's awesome mate. I noticed the same thing on the roads. People smile and nod all the time. :) There's a lot of love for the 5 out there.

14-07-2013, 23:04
You dont see many of those about. Most common things ppl say.. thumbs up or a flash always. :agree:

14-07-2013, 23:11
I had a bloke stop dead walking across the forecourt at a petrol station "please tell me it's a real one" then turns to his son "you see that car boy... " also various thumbs up and "rev it mate, give it some" :laugh: glad we all get the 5 love :crush:

Big Supes
14-07-2013, 23:12
You dont see many of those about. Most common things ppl say.. thumbs up or a flash always. :agree:

That's the one. :D OR... "My mate had one of those and blew it up!". :wasntme:

15-07-2013, 06:22
I take my Subaru out and no one batters an eyelid u take the five out and get stopped everytime u pull up anywhere x strange

15-07-2013, 08:16
That's the one. :D OR... "My mate had one of those and blew it up!". :wasntme:

That or "my mate had one, 300bhp!" :wasntme:

Yep I`ve had a few lately and that's living in the sticks. I got pulled over in one of those spot check road side things on the dual carriageway on Friday night all the traffic plod came over and thought the old girl was great asking about it as they hadn't seen one for years never checked anything on the car mind..;)

Good to hear there in favour with the plod, much rather that than being stopped to check their legal all the time, nice one!

Big Supes
22-07-2013, 12:27
Haha "0-60 in 3 seconds!". :D

Just had a guy on a bike ride past and shout through my window "wicked car mate, Renault 5, lovely.".

Love is in the air for the 5. :)

Big Supes
22-07-2013, 13:37
BTW, if you're ever up Mike's let us know. Mine is back on the road now. :)

22-07-2013, 17:13
I had a mortgage guy round this morning and I swear he asked me more about the 5 than anything else :laugh: everyone loves them.

22-07-2013, 18:32
That's the one. :D OR... "My mate had one of those and blew it up!". :wasntme:

:laugh: yep I've heard that loads of times, or u get I thought they was all in the junkyard never see them anymore. The last time I used mine was coming back from the retro show, and she grabbed loads of attention, ranging from van drivers flashing and beeping there horn, executive business peeps putting thumbs up and then old people just staring thinking what is that :laugh: I love it.

22-07-2013, 18:35
attracted a lod of attention over the weekend, had people of all ages commenting, peeping/flashing lights etc, one guy followed me onto the pub car park and asked if i was selling it, and when i was parking up at the rs owners club day at donington on sunday i lost count of the amount of people who come over to chat about it.

22-07-2013, 19:07
BTW, if you're ever up Mike's let us know. Mine is back on the road now. :)

I'm less than a mile away from Mikes so can be around pretty much any time. Good to hear yours is running again, didn't keep you down for long! :agree:

22-07-2013, 19:56
I've been in UK for two weeks and didn't see a single GTT on the road! :( Gutted.

Big Supes
22-07-2013, 20:18
I'm less than a mile away from Mikes so can be around pretty much any time. Good to hear yours is running again, didn't keep you down for long! :agree:

Cool. I'll drop Mike a message and maybe head up one evening this week if you're about. Will let you know. :agree: