View Full Version : 2 x GTT's Retired in Droitwich

31-05-2013, 20:26
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

Spotted these 2 x old boys the other day enjoying retirement on a Droitwich Industrial Estate, looks like they have been there for some time due to their condition:(

31-05-2013, 20:51
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

Spotted these 2 x old boys the other day enjoying retirement on a Droitwich Industrial Estate, looks like they have been there for some time due to their condition:(
Will he sell can collect pm me Details

31-05-2013, 21:18
Phase 1 in red- never seen one of them before?

31-05-2013, 21:20
The grill looks ok on the red one;)

02-06-2013, 10:17
I'm from Droitwich and I know these cars well.
The red one is ph1 and the grey ph2. They are at a car garage (fixing not selling) on an industrial estate.
The guy won't sell them as they are not his, I have tried to get them off him for years, he also thinks they're worth thousands even though not many panels are salvageable, both shells are rotten and the engines have both been sat for years.
A customer brought them to him to make one good one out of the two, apparently one engine had blown and the other was rotten. The plan was to put all the ph2 panels onto the ph1 I think and he got as far as the grill.
This was easily 10-15 years ago. Now both of them are rotten.
I wouldn't recommend using the garage either, I know many have had bad experiences with him.

07-06-2013, 12:44
shame...nightmare scenario