View Full Version : saab T25 Turbo B204 Garrett

23-05-2013, 21:36
can anyone conferm if this turbo unit will fit the 5 ?
or will it need alterations

Markey Mark (BD)
23-05-2013, 21:38
You got any pics or more spec's about the turbo?

It will more than likely need alterations, as in rotating housings, new oil feed etc

23-05-2013, 21:42
just this info im afrade here we have a t25 turbo that was removed from my b204 due to holset upgrage
brilliant condition no smoke at all
held 18psi with no spikes or loss

im looking for something i could easley fit without to much hasstle if anyone could recomend

Markey Mark (BD)
23-05-2013, 21:46
That turbo won't fit on easy mate, its got the wrong exhaust housing to join up to the standard 5 elbow

If want an easy to fit turbo keep an eye out on here, some always come up for sale which have come off a 5

23-05-2013, 21:58
yh iam always on the look out but nothing seems to come up trumps lol

23-05-2013, 22:03
Of you want a cheap turbo that is suited to the 5 grab a tomcat t25...

23-05-2013, 22:07
Of you want a cheap turbo that is suited to the 5 grab a tomcat t25...

I've got one that needs a rebuild (285 quid to be done with a 360 thrust bearing) and another that works fine (is nearly new, only used for a short time and bought brand spankers) but has the odd whiff of white smoke on idle, so will need a rebuild in a few months I think.

23-05-2013, 23:08
With minimal work this turbo does fit on a 5...... But the only problem is the exhaust housing.

The exhaust housing is .49 but a round outlet like a cosworth, to make your life easy you can change it for a tomcat exhaust housing that will fit straight on. Or if you can weld use the sabb downpipe and weld it to the Reno one........by doing this you will get rid of the restrictive elbow.

This is a better turbo than a tomcat as the compressor wheel is bigger than a standard T25 but smaller than a T28 so it's a good middle ground.

I have fitted one to a car and know of two others being used for allot of time with no problems, like you hear about the tomcats.


24-05-2013, 00:17
well im looking for something that will push out 200bhp with minimal costs ive got a welder so thats not a prob just dont know much about turbo's

24-05-2013, 08:30
For anyone else looking at this turbo the best one to get is the one pictured with the alloy inlet pipe that bolts on with two bolts.

They latter changed it to a gt17 that will be too small.

I just rotated the cores and hacksawed the the alloy inlet pipe down, then put the filter straight onto it.

If my memory serves me well the compressor wheel exducer is 56mm.


Markey Mark (BD)
24-05-2013, 18:16
Interesting bit of info there Miller, might be worth looking into these as the Tomcat ones are getting harder and harder to find in good condition

24-05-2013, 20:06
Yes mark they seam like a good turbo and are always found on the lpt "low pressure turbo" models so have not had a hard life.

As you can see the downpipe had the lambda sensor already fitted so would save some time for peope, it just after the turbo and the downpipe can be fitted at any angle.....


Full spec of the turbo can be found at...



24-05-2013, 23:53
so would this be on to for then ? what mods are needed is it hard work ?

13-09-2013, 10:30
will the tomcat exhaust housing bolt straight on this turbo without any issues ?

13-09-2013, 14:03
Their is a difference between the internal heat shield in the turbo but the tomcat turbine housing still bolts straight on with no problems......you could also use a .64 from any other T25.

You are best to grab the alloy inlet if its the newer turbo also.

You could remove the compressor housing on both of them, if the wheel is the same size then you could use it as well.

Good turbos for very little money.


13-09-2013, 16:25
do you mean just use the cartridge out of it ? i need to try somthing differant as ive been through 2 tomcat t25s in the last 3 weeks and ive now put the t2 back on untill i find another and thats blew within a week is it just my luck or you think theres somthing else wrong ???:confused:

13-09-2013, 16:34
Sounds like

1. your oil pressure is low?
2. Your turbo oil feed pipe is blocked or partially blocked
3. You oil is dirty... ALWAYS NEW OIL and filter when you change a turbo!
4. Your over speeding your turbo (too much boost for its size).

You shouldn't go through that many turbos, I think Somthing is wrong!

15-09-2013, 21:01
oil pressure guage is reading 6 at all times now ? but was about 2 when warm think its not working now to be honest and it could do with oil change other than that im not to sure

16-09-2013, 10:40
6 at all times? Sounds like the gauge isn't working correctly. If it's the standard one, that's not unusual.

17-09-2013, 16:51
is there anyway of fixing it or do i need new clocks

17-09-2013, 16:57
is there anyway of fixing it or do i need new clocks

Best route is external mechanical oil pressure gauge:agree: just ignore the std gauge known to not give correct reading's anyway