View Full Version : All alone in my hour of need

08-05-2013, 04:25
Typical you lot sleeping!

I'm layed here with hoses in places un natural places and what seems like a trip out machine with a button! Diazepam, paracetamol on drip this holiday rocks, shame about the plastic bed.

See attached

08-05-2013, 06:25
Typical you lot sleeping!

I'm layed here with hoses in places un natural places and what seems like a trip out machine with a button! Diazepam, paracetamol on drip this holiday rocks, shame about the plastic bed.

See attached

:crap: hopefully wont be to long mate nd you will get out. not nice. the plastic bed is sounding like the best bit lol :D

08-05-2013, 07:04
:crap: hopefully wont be to long mate nd you will get out. not nice. the plastic bed is sounding like the best bit lol :D

I have such a tolerance to pain killers its stupid. I ****ing hate British gas right now. I can't even move my legs... Wiggle a toe it hurts.... Man up I must

Penfold aka The Dealer
08-05-2013, 07:55
Get well soon mate, u have no luck when it comes to your back.... Need to recover fully

08-05-2013, 08:00
You look stunning in your close up photo on Facebook jerpster.:laugh:
Get well soon mate!

08-05-2013, 08:13
Get well soon mate. Not a nice thing to be going through, but at least your window view looked half decent ;)

08-05-2013, 08:34
Get well soon mate. Not a nice thing to be going through, but at least your window view looked half decent ;)

Got a good sight of the shard and the gurkin etc

08-05-2013, 09:14
Where you at? Guys?

08-05-2013, 09:34
Epsom general, got my own room utter result.

08-05-2013, 09:53
Epsom general, got my own room utter result.

Family room.
They obviously don't think you will pull through then. :D

08-05-2013, 09:54
Epsom general, got my own room utter result.

Christ, you got the penthouse suite? Amazed you can see the gurkin from there! :eek:

08-05-2013, 10:18
Prime real estate that :D

Get well soon mate. :agree:

08-05-2013, 10:37
Family room.
They obviously don't think you will pull through then. :D


08-05-2013, 10:38
Christ, you got the penthouse suite? Amazed you can see the gurkin from there! :eek:

I can see most of London when it's clear all bloody cloudy at mo. and can't turn to look stuck in position

08-05-2013, 10:55
Get some kind of periscope device...



08-05-2013, 11:05
Lol, I popped my arm out of its socket, the only way to move is reach above head and grab bed and drag my self up, POP it's don't rain it pours. Do real men cry?

08-05-2013, 11:21
It's only real men that are not afraid to cry IMO.

That's not to say all the crying that men do is warranted. :laugh:

Big Supes
08-05-2013, 11:26
JRP, it's been a long time mate. Sorry to hear you're still going through it. I'm still battling with Ankylosing Spondylitis, but never forgot the advice you gave me regarding surgery. I opted to give it a miss and have made some good progress with gym exercises and stretching.

Get well soon buddy.

08-05-2013, 11:37
JRP, it's been a long time mate. Sorry to hear you're still going through it. I'm still battling with Ankylosing Spondylitis, but never forgot the advice you gave me regarding surgery. I opted to give it a miss and have made some good progress with gym exercises and stretching.

Get well soon buddy.

I was left with no other options, this or being a cripple. I must say I really don't advise this unless really needed

Big Supes
09-05-2013, 13:30
I hear ya mate. Even with what I've been through, I can't even begin to think about the ride you've had. Straight up: You've got my uttermost admiration for your strength in character.

:cool: :agree:

The new Bill J
09-05-2013, 15:32
The fusion surgery I had on my ankle when my foot was reconstructed was bad enough. I dread to think what it's like to have your back done :scared:

Hope your recovery's a smooth one mush :agree:

09-05-2013, 16:04
The fusion surgery I had on my ankle when my foot was reconstructed was bad enough. I dread to think what it's like to have your back done :scared:

Hope your recovery's a smooth one mush :agree:

I'm just very confused and pain is stupid. The bonus is the great staff the nhs have, all been so nice to me, my beds been changed 3 times today because dressing have popped etc. think I need more blood that's what I'm waiting on milk bottle full in drain pot

09-05-2013, 16:41
Glad you are being well cared for Jerp. When I was in and out for my knee they were generally superb.

Basically, the service that the vast majority of patients receive is usually far more than could ever be expected (and often far better than they deserve). It's a fantastic servant to the people of the UK, we're very fortunate.

The NHS does get some things wrong but then what institution that size doesn't? The admin alone must be phenomenal. I think the programmes like 'A day in the life of the NHS' are well over due. Showing not only what broad range of care is provided but also how much some take the whole shebang for granted. :agree:

09-05-2013, 16:56
Nhs is superb. I've got good banter going on too but I look so divvy as I'm confused, night terrors too :(

09-05-2013, 18:31
i'm sorry just being nosey here, what happend mate?

09-05-2013, 19:47
Night terrors? I've had adult night terrors for years so we have something in common!

They will no doubt be prone to happening when you're so stressed physically and mentally. :(

I know a lot of my triggers and so can avoid them more these days. I might be able to help you. I'll list mine and you can try them out when you get home to see if there are any similarities.

- sleep with head facing south (don't even laugh, this is my biggest cause, it's to do with magnetic fields of the feckin' earth) :laugh:
- alcohol
- fatigue (being over-tired)
- mental or physical stress (including illness)
- bright clocks/leds, like those cheap red digit alarm clocks or TV stand-by lights
- sleeping in places I'm not used to (usually to do with north/south orientation)

Mate, I've seen all kinds of crazy stuff in night terrors. Rushed out of bed no end of times, like those losers on the sleep problems programmes, lol. Thankfully it's less common these days, mainly thanks to understanding the things above.

09-05-2013, 20:07
It's something In these drugs, giving me that and panic attacks. I can't move so in literally stuck with the issue. :(

Big Supes
09-05-2013, 20:20
That's harsh mate. Have you tried any sleep apps? There's loads out there that help put your mind in a good place when resting. I've got one called Sleep Bug on Windows Phone. It's awesome... has loads of settings. You can be on the beach, in a zen garden, by a river, forest... loads of other stuff. Worth a looksy mate.

10-05-2013, 09:29
Ooer, yeah the meds could be a problem. Sounds stupid but eating too late at night (i.e. too close to going to bed) is something I missed off my list above. Especially Indian food. It must have some ingredient that sets me off! Damn turmeric, lol.

These sleep apps sound good.

10-05-2013, 09:57
I hope things pick up for u bud:) doesn't sound like your having a good time of it but you do seem to be in a good place with caring staff etc chin up;)

10-05-2013, 10:25
I guess it's nigh on impossible at the moment to see a bright side and just as impossible for most of us to understand the situation you are in but you know things Do get better and you are not alone bud.

10-05-2013, 11:25
2 nights running I've been fmstuck and the woman that bought my landy in my heads/ dream has been killing me via strangling me with catheter.
Can't wake up from it, then when I'm round and wake its weird. I'm improving daily and can't praise the nhs staff enough, I've given them major headaches with my very high tolerance to very strong meds.

It's nothing the surgery in the grand scheme of things only removed disk and bone from spine, grafted in the gap and screwed and rodded me. What I've had is nothing compared to the cancer patients etc.. Yeah I'm in pain but I stay quiet out of respect for them, there pain must far put strip mine and there mental states must be worse, I know 1st hand as my dad had most his bowel removed in here in October last year.

I'm lucky and privilidged to have good support from you guys here, the staff and my family. Some people have nothing. I almost want to find a new job doing somthing to repay how indebted to the nhs I feel.

Thanks for all kind words guys yeah my surgery was big but I'm just a wimp and but getting over this little blips been easier with your comments and those on FB.

10-05-2013, 11:34
I've been watching from the side for a while and am amazed at how fantastic your dealing with this, and yes there are others worse off, but we can all take something from this post in a positive way. Keep up the stealing work fella, you'll be back in the five in no time. And the next time that woman tries it on with the catheter, have a T28 under your pillow and give her what for.

Once you've done that, smack her in the chops with the turbo.

10-05-2013, 11:43
Btw guys this is mainly for you.

Catheter removal is sore but re insertion makes sticking your junk I front of a welding torch more appealing.

10-05-2013, 12:03
Blurgh, I always thought that looked a bit grim. Never had one thankfully. Can't they numb the end of your whatsit first to make it a bit less of an event? :gagged:

Penfold aka The Dealer
10-05-2013, 12:09
I was very lucky not to have a catheter last week, Thankfully I managed to go for a p*ss just before the nurse cam round to put it in... hadnt p*ssed for 36 hours!

Thank fully I only needed my appendix out, which went well...

Hope you recover soon mate, will have to pop down and catch up with you :)

10-05-2013, 12:14
Blurgh, I always thought that looked a bit grim. Never had one thankfully. Can't they numb the end of your whatsit first to make it a bit less of an event? :gagged:

Because I'm covered In tattoo's apparently things like that don't hurt lol

Big Steve - Raider
10-05-2013, 12:46
Btw guys this is mainly for you.

Catheter removal is sore but re insertion makes sticking your junk I front of a welding torch more appealing.

Junk I? Gotta love iPhone spell check ;)

:laugh::laugh::laugh: I know where you're coming from here Jerpsta, when I had my bad accident 12 years ago I was on the hospital bed with a doctor holding my lad & trying to get the Catheter down there.. I was like no no no no no no no :dearme: so he finally stopped and said he would do it when I was in surgery asleep. :cool:

Hmmm I'm wondering what the chances are of a quick nip round Jerpsta's with the crew on the way back from Sangliers...........

13-05-2013, 02:06
Every night since drip removed I get strangled in my sleep same time! Waking up to massive back pain same time.

Really pissed off and now seeing off odd things in the sky near London

15-05-2013, 22:52
This is like prison. 3 meals a day not allowed out of one area to another, lights out. Systemisation and faceless I'm just room (cell) 2

Drugs are wrong meals pants and I'm getting mad

15-05-2013, 23:00
Have a left handed shuffle and calm the fook down :coffee:

15-05-2013, 23:06
Have a left handed shuffle and calm the fook down :coffee:

I'm ticking I only do that when really upset

16-05-2013, 06:29
This is like prison. 3 meals a day not allowed out of one area to another, lights out. Systemisation and faceless I'm just room (cell) 2

Drugs are wrong meals pants and I'm getting mad

Dude - it's a state of mind. You're going nuts right now, calm down and focus like Bruce lee would. Hold on FB time.

16-05-2013, 07:33
Dude - it's a state of mind. You're going nuts right now, calm down and focus like Bruce lee would. Hold on FB time.

That video I didn't realise, I hooked my speakers into phone and in ears ranked up sound.

Well it came from both ear phones and speakers, I'm in my own room loads of people awake now though ;) lol oh well

16-05-2013, 08:44
That video I didn't realise, I hooked my speakers into phone and in ears ranked up sound.

Well it came from both ear phones and speakers, I'm in my own room loads of people awake now though ;) lol oh well

That makes no sense bloody drugs I plugged in ear phones but it played via both ear phones and speakers lol

16-05-2013, 10:31
Not sure if I missed it earlier in the thread mate but what's the likely date of you being discharged?

16-05-2013, 12:09
Not sure if I missed it earlier in the thread mate but what's the likely date of you being discharged?

Last week lol, no date and un forseeable. :(

16-05-2013, 12:36
Last week lol, no date and un forseeable. :(

Just after that post and a check of wound... Monday looks like the potential release date. Result.

Pulled off dressing proper yellow puss hunky **** all over place! Niiiice hint of snot green

16-05-2013, 13:19
Just after that post and a check of wound... Monday looks like the potential release date. Result.

Pulled off dressing proper yellow puss hunky **** all over place! Niiiice hint of snot green

Nice, but a light at the end of a long tunnel. :agree:

16-05-2013, 13:43
PICTURE heaven! Just been handed by my consultant the actual screws that held me together and gave me back my mobility a few years ago up until the failure in October.

I'm a tad emotional holding these sounds daft but cheewizz

16-05-2013, 15:10
The stuff they do these days is incredible :)

Glad to hear a potential release date has come about all of a sudden!

17-05-2013, 11:26
PICTURE heaven! Just been handed by my consultant the actual screws that held me together and gave me back my mobility a few years ago up until the failure in October.

I'm a tad emotional holding these sounds daft but cheewizz

i'm sure you can use them on your 5 to get it back together :laugh: