View Full Version : GTX mount using a GT mount?

Nick k
05-05-2013, 23:37
Can you re drill a GT front engine mount to fit on the B18ft, Has anybody actually done it? had a quick look earlier at mine an its looks a bit of a dodge if done??

05-05-2013, 23:55
I did it:D been fine for nearly 3 years now. Top hole stays the same the lower two change and you may need a thick washer to avoid the bolt catching the mouth lip if you get what I mean. Il have a look for a pix.

05-05-2013, 23:57
Should be able to see in this pix

05-05-2013, 23:58

Nick k
06-05-2013, 00:00
ok, that answers my other question regarding which holes do you use, thank you ;)