View Full Version : windscreen seal

25-04-2013, 16:09
I have removed my windscreen seal to sort some rust is there a universal seal I can put in or do I need to have the windscreen removed and the seal fitted with window out?

25-04-2013, 18:50
Do you mean the flat rubber seal around the outside? A few people are using Transit ones these days.

25-04-2013, 19:31
I mean both parts the rubber seal and the plastic bit that that goes into. Dosnt matter anyway now as I have smashed the ****ing windscreen:mad:

25-04-2013, 19:32
I had a transit one fitted to mine by Autoglass it looks good, very o.e.
I think TOMTOM recently had the same fitted to his Raider.

25-04-2013, 20:30
I was thinking of going for a transit one when I have a new screen fitted. What transit is it off?

phase i 16 v turbo
25-04-2013, 20:57
Keep both bits in stock new.

26-04-2013, 22:48
Isnt there 3 bits to the seal

theres the funny metal zig ziged part (best I can describe it)
then a inner seal
and outer

is that right:confused:

26-04-2013, 23:11
Yes 3 parts.

27-04-2013, 09:35
Didn't know about this third part:scratch: I have a fitter coming round on monday so hopefully he can do it.