View Full Version : Fuel system diagram

04-04-2013, 20:56
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

Hi, sorry if this has been asked before. 1st post.
Filled up car (renault super 5 gt turbo, d386cnp, ) started throwing fuel all over floor. Apparently fuel tank bung seal is a known issue. Lol
Anyway. I dismantled fuel tank / hoses really quickly, now car won't start. I checked Haynes manual, but can't find a fuel tank to carb diagram of where all the hoses go. I think I got the 3 in fuel level sender wrong way round. Not sure.
Can anyone show me where the hoses should be connected? Solex 32 dis carb, standard tanks. Pump is buzzing when it should be. Help!
Ps which hose on the carb is the fuel supply?

06-04-2013, 09:23
The top brass outlet on the drivers side is the fuel feed for carb, I'm pretty sure. If I'm wrong then someone will definitely let me know, it's to cold to go outside at mo:D can't help with the tank side bud as I don't have one soz