View Full Version : anyone reconise this spoiler

23-03-2013, 14:35
does anybody reconise or know where i can get one of these spoilers, im guessing its a euro tuner that sell them , if anybody knows or has some contact details would be really greatful:cool:

one of the few pictures i could find
http://tuningcars.us/albums/userpics/10001/Modified_Renault_5_281529.jpg (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=renault+5+tuning&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=MFPgXRt2J6nt0M&tbnid=bgn5MoiJb_dxRM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Ftuningcars.us%2Fdisplayimage.php% 3Fpid%3D59597&ei=M6pNUdj-C62Y0AXUmoDACg&bvm=bv.44158598,d.d2k&psig=AFQjCNEFeSsJNmH74qnxAMs_wA-EAXMc3A&ust=1364130370619991)

23-03-2013, 14:51

another ??

30-03-2013, 21:13
New poster! (less than 10 posts)


another ??

looks like my old one !

from my yellow 5 init blud

30-03-2013, 22:06
Looks like an old prima racing spoiler

30-03-2013, 22:13
Or Skeete?

Pete@Backyard Racing
30-03-2013, 22:19
I've got a rear spoiler similar to the blue one going spare

Tony Walker
30-03-2013, 22:28
anyone going to mention ironing boards going spare or do i have to?:cooter:

31-03-2013, 11:16
its deffo not skeete or prima racing tarmac, or the monte carlo spoiler as i have one on my car already:p

i wonder if its the grande or oxgene spoiler that reichard motorsport sell :scratch:

laugh all you want, but having a rear spoiler the size of an ironing board:rolleyes: with a bit of angle will deffo help me with traction and lift @ higher speed, and more importantly should not cause any drag;).

of course there is an exception to the rule, i would imagine the combat spoiler
would impact quite a bit of drag without any reduction in lift or add any downforce, where at least the others would give you some areodynamic gain:)